Chapter 3

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I woke up surprisingly happy this morning. Usually I woke up feeling grim or just neutral but today I felt so...different. I looked to my right and the boy from last night was gone. Surprisingly enough I didn't kill him like I'd anticipated.

He was the first to leave my property alive and well.

I'd never met someone who loved pain as much as him. It was magnificent how needy he was for the pain. I loved it so much just thinking about it made me hot. He truly was the best I'd ever had.

I sat up and saw a piece of paper on my bedside. I picked it up and read it. It had a series of digits and a little note, call me if you ever want another night with me. -Tobias.

I bit my lip before putting the paper down again. I ran my fingers through my hair before standing and walking to my bathroom. His scent still lingered in the air and it made me dizzy. I couldn't get him out of my head.

When I was done freshening up I decided to go out and get something to eat. I disguised myself with the snap of my fingers and teleported to the inside of my car. I drove into town and went to my favorite restaurant.

It was a Portuguese place, they made the best chicken lasagna ever. I walked in and got seated. "Welcome to Joao's Kitchen, I'm Tobias and I'll be your waiter for today." A familiar voice said.

I looked up from my menu in complete shock. "Tobias?" I asked and he smiled brighter. "Yes sir, that's my name." He answered. "May I get you started with a drink sir?" He asked politely. I nodded slowly and he was ready to take down my order.

"Ahem...I'll take white wine, the oldest one you have." I said and he smiled. "Coming right up sir." He said before walking away. From moving so provocatively on a pole for strangers to working at such a highly rated restaurant looking professional and innocent.


My mind was cloudy and I was beginning to feel dizzy again. He smelt different now, it wasn't anything distinct but it smelt so sweet and delicious. I could see his lascivious face as I pounded into him in my head and it wasn't helping me.

My pants began to feel tight and I sighed. The one thing my powers could not do was get rid of a boner. And even if I got rid of it, it'd come back just as fast because I couldn't get him out of my head.

Soon he returned with a wine glass and the wine. He put the glass on the table and grabbed the wine and showed me the name. Sauvignon Blanc. My favorite. "How old is this wine, Tobias?" I asked, his name slipping off my tongue ever so sweetly.

"Two years old sir." He answered, the sound of his voice piercing my ear drums gently, making a shiver run down my spine. I nodded and let him pour it. He took the top of the bottle away and presented the glass to me with a polite hand-wave past it.

I smiled and nodded in approval of his waiting etiquette. I took a sip of the wine and all though I'd had this a thousand times already it tasted better knowing he had poured it for me.

"Do you like it sir?" He asked, his voice sending more shivers down my spine again. "Yes, it's just delectable." I said making him smile. His smile made my heart beat, my heart...beat, mine. Me, a demon, my heart...he made it beat!

He made my heart pump blood through my body and it felt...just amazing. I couldn't help myself any longer so I froze our surroundings and stood. He was confused and it was the most adorable thing ever.

My heart felt as if it were going to explode. I shifted out of my disguise and kissed him. He was startled at first until he felt it, my need for him was so strong. His heart began to beat out of control as he kissed me back cautiously.

I wanted more though, I really did. I wanted to break him, I wanted so badly to fuck him right now until I broke his brain. I wanted to hear him scream my name over and over in lust and need. I wanted to hear his loud moaning and look into his precious blue eyes.

I pulled away from his lips and trailed my kisses down to his neck making him moan gently. I kissed up and down his neck gently before picking a spot and biting down, hard. "Lathaniel!" He screamed in absolute pleasure.

I was surprised he still had the wine in his hands after all this. He likes a challenge. He smelt so amazing, the more I kissed him the more his scent radiated off of him. I loved it so much. "L-Lathan p-ple-please stop..." He begged, his voice cracking from the amount of pleasure he was receiving.

"You want me, to stop?" I asked lowly, continuing to kiss him gently. "Y...n-no." He stuttered adorably. I chuckled at him making his face heat up in more flames. "I'm sorry you won't be able to remember this..." I whispered sorrowfully as I snapped my finger making everything return to normal.

I was sitting down in my old position, just before things started, with my disguise on and he was standing, free of any arousal.

"I'm glad sir." He said, confusing me. "You're glad?" I asked. "-that you like the wine sir." He reminded me making me chuckled a little. "Yes of course of course, thank you Tobias." I said. "Would you like to order sir?" He asked.

"Yes please."

Jesus that make-out scene
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