Chapter 34

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It had been a full week and Lathaniel and I hadn't spoken still. I wonder what he was doing, hopefully he wasn't crying or killing things but I'd rather have that than him being cooped up in that fucking study of his pulling hairs out of his head over Fabian.

Throughout the week I'd had a handful of close calls. I almost cut myself after six years of being clean and I almost had several panic attacks that I was able to boil down to anxiety attacks through my medication.

The entire week I was experiencing my depressive episode. I didn't really apply myself at work, I had low energy, I slept for the greater part of my days, I cried through the night and I didn't eat much.

Sasha knew what was going on but he didn't say anything but I knew he was watching and checking up on me every so often.

A knock on the door made me jump slightly as I wasn't expecting anyone. Sasha was at work and so were Chris and Daniel. The only other person I could think of that would be behind that door was Lathaniel, but I didn't want to see him.

Regardless I got up and checked who was there through the peep hole. I couldn't see anything due to it being dirty so I had to open the door. I did just that and as I'd suspected Lathaniel was behind the door.

He turned hastily to look at me and his eyes were bloodshot red and his skin was paler than usual. He looked like he was in pain, so much so that my heart instantly melted and concern rose up inside me.

"Are you okay Kitten? I'm sorry for ignoring the calls, I didn't want to come back until I found him! Are you okay?" Lathan spoke in one frantic breath as his cold hands examined me for any injuries.

"I'm fine...but you, are you okay?" I asked as I held his wrists to stop his hands. "Everyday I felt your mark go off, but it wasn't that big of a call. I didn't want to come until I found Fabian but it got body started to hurt me for ignoring your mark." He explained.

"I'm so sorry Tobias." He whispered before hugging me tightly. "It's okay Lathan...I'm fine." I whispered back. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, concerned. "I'm fine, I promise." I answered and kissed his cheek.

We pulled away from each other and he slowly started to return to his normal self. His eyes and skin returned to their normal colors and his body rose to a stable temperature.

I invited him in and got him something to drink. When I returned to the lounge he wasn't seated. "You can sit down y'know." I said as I put his drink down on the coffee table.

"Please come home Toby." He said as he held onto my shoulders. I frowned at the desperation on his face. "Are you done with Fabian?" I asked and it was his turn to frown.

I rolled my eyes and removed his hands from my shoulders before going to the door to see him out. "I talked to Sasha, he told me what you said the day you left." Lathan announced, stopping me in my tracks.

I turned to look at him. "You're not a burden Tobias." He said and walked toward me. "Of course that's what he told you, he told you the one thing I said without thinking." I responded with irritation, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I didn't know that was how I made you feel and even if it wasn't could've at least tried to understand where I was coming from." He said. "You didn't do too good a job at that, Lathaniel." I replied.

"I mean you couldn't see what was wrong with you obsessing over that...creature. That fucking creature was taking you from me and I couldn't handle not having you to myself for hours on end!" I screamed in frustration.

"And you couldn't see that I was beating the crap out of myself thinking that if I couldn't catch this maniac that you'd get hurt!" Lathan shouted back, equally frustrated. "He fucking threatened me, us, several times in the exact same manner and you saw this! Yet you just waltzed around like nothing was wrong, as if there wasn't a possibility you could get fucking hurt!" He continued.

"Maybe if you hadn't made it this huge fucking deal I would've realized how bad it was!" I screamed back, referring to my mark. "Maybe if I hadn't got in with a fucking demon this all wouldn't have happened, I would've had a regular life and wouldn't have to be fucking traumatized every second day." I said, breathless from my shouting.

"Really? Well maybe if I hadn't got in with a human brat I wouldn't have to waste my energy trying to keep him safe." Lathan responded, equally breathless. My hands balled into fists from the feelings I was feeling right now.

"Maybe we got in this a little too quick." I mumbled. "I should've known better than to fuck a human." He said before snapping his fingers, bringing my things from his house here.

I looked at him and didn't know exactly how to feel. "I never want to see you again." I said seriously before storming off into my room, slamming the door behind me.

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