Chapter 20

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I sighed tiredly as I got to my floor of the apartment building. The elevator wasn't working and unfortunately I had declined Lathan's offer to just teleport me.

I walked down to my door and noticed it was open slightly. I examined it and it looked like it was kicked in, which meant that someone without a key was inside. At this point I didn't really know what to do. I didn't want to move and risk whoever could still be inside hearing me, but at the same time, I couldn't risk staying where I was.

I decided to just text Lathan really quickly before going to see what was happening. "Hey Baby, I just got home but I think there's someone is inside. I'm going to check it out but I don't know if I'm going to be okay, please just...come if you feel anything from the mark." I typed and sent.

I put my phone away before taking in a breath and walking in slowly. Everything was silent, a little too silent for my liking. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a knife before searching the apartment. I went into the bathroom, Sasha's room and finally my own room before returning to the living room.

It seemed that nothing was taken and that no one was inside anymore so I put the knife down before deciding to go down to the landlord and tell him about the door. But once I'd gotten to it, it was closed and fixed, which wasn't possible at all.

I took in another breath before reaching for the handle to open the door. Just as I'd grabbed the handle a large and cold hand grabbed my wrist before yanking my hand away from the handle. I screamed as the person turned me around and shoved me against the door.

"You fucking liar!" A familiar voice screamed at me. My heart stopped, Adam. I looked at him, absolutely terrified. He was fuming, he looked as if he wanted to skin me alive. "A-Adam please let g-go." I stuttered nervously. "You think you can lie to me and get away with it?" He asked viciously making me wince.

"I-I didn't lie...I r-really was going to g-go." I said as tears began to build in my eyes. "I should just kill you right now." He growled lowly before bringing his hands to my neck making me yelp. His grip around my neck tightened and tears began to spill from my eyes. I scratched at his wrists as his grip got tighter and tighter.

My vision was slowly becoming blurred but came back when he loosened his grip. "What the fuck is this?" He asked as he noticed Lathan's marking. I was too busy coughing and trying to catch my breath to answer him.

Before he could scream at me again someone else grabbed his shoulder and he let go of me completely. I fell to the ground and coughed hectically when I hit the floor. I sat back against the door and watched dizzily as Lathan fought with Adam.

For some reason I seemed to only be getting worse and worse the more I watched them fight. I laid down and before I even knew it I had passed out.

"Tobias, Tobias baby wake up." I heard a sweet voice say. The voice was thick with concern and sadness. I was trying to put the voice to someone that I knew but found it hard to do so. I struggled to open my eyes and to even speak.

Words I was trying to say came out as mumbles and things I was trying to move barely did anything. "Kitten, wake up." The voice started again, only this time it was accompanied by me being shaken gently.

I still couldn't move anything for some reason and it was beginning to scare me.

I'm sorry for this disaster.
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