Chapter 16

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I grumbled bitterly as I laid in my bed face down on my pillow. Why did his parents not like me? I mean he likes me, surely that must mean something. They barely even fucking know me yet they hate me. Maybe it's because they don't approve of Lathan being gay or maybe it's him dating a human period.

This situation is unbelievable though. I might be the only human being who'd love Lathaniel regardless. I mean the one parent already wants to kill me and the other wants to challenge my love for Lathan. And I'm still there, I'm still with him. And if a challenge is what they want I sure as hell will give it to them.

I heard a knock on my door and mumbled nothing, letting the person know they could come in. "Hey, I'm looking for Sasha have you seen hi...m, what's wrong with you?" Daniel asked as he noticed my current position. "Lathan's parents don't fucking like me!" I shouted as I took my head out from my pillow.

"Yikes! That's bad, why don't the like you?" He asked as he came and sat next to me. "I don't even fucking know, they barely know me and they still hate me. I mean the first time I met his dad he tried to fucking kill me and his mom! Oh my god his mother!" I said, raising my voice in outrage.

"She seemed so nice but oh my god she's a fucking bitch. She was asking me all these fucking questions like she didn't think I loved her son when I do!" I explained, becoming angrier as I spoke.

"That's not gonna stop you though, so don't pay it any mind. You're both still fresh in the relationship, his parents will come around soon enough." Daniel responded, taking what I said about Lathan's dad as an exaggeration.

I sighed and relaxed myself. "I suppose you're right. I'll try, but if I can't take it with them I'll just leave." I said. "Don't worry, you won't have to leave if you just let them get to know you, you charming little brat." He replied as he ruffled my hair.

"Thanks boy." I said as I hugged him. Daniel was like an older brother to me. He was so wise and comforting and more normal and serious than Chris and Sash.

"No problem, now, have you seen Sash?" He asked. "Nope, why you looking for him?" I asked curiously. "Kenny's asking for him." He answered and I perked up at the name.

Kenny was Sasha's boyfriend all through high school. Oh he was the best guy ever. He made Sasha so happy, I'd never seen Sasha happier than when he was with him. When they had to go their separate ways at the end of high school Sasha just wasn't as cheerful.

But thankfully he got back to a healthy amount of cheerful but it wasn't as much as when he was with Kenny and he started sleeping around with ever hot guy he saw when we moved here.

"Kenny's back from Britain?" I asked excitedly. "Yep, bumped into him at Starbucks and we exchanged numbers and talked for a bit before he asked about Sash." Daniel explained. "Ah that's great, Sasha's little heart is gonna burst when he sees him! Does he still look the same?" I questioned.

"Yep, same little emo boy only not so little anymore with shorter hair and tanner skin. Guess boarding forced some meat onto his bones, he's now almost as big as Lathaniel." He answered. "Oh god now I have to see him! We should all go out this coming weekend." I suggested.

"That sounds good, but I need to find Sasha first so I'll catch you later." He said as he stood up. "Cool, check at the ice-creams place, he loves it there." I said and he nodded in acknowledgment before leaving.

I smiled to myself a bit at this glorious news but soon my smile faded and became a frown. I sighed before laying down. I stared at the ceiling I had been staring at for the past few years and noticed the chipping and discoloring paint.

We should really get a new place.

Sasha and I moved into this place when we came here from Germany. We only started actually living here after our first year of university. Before that we stayed on campus and went to came here on occasion.

I can't remember what it was that made us start using the apartment more. Maybe it was our roommates at the dorms. Mine was messy and probably a druggie, I can't even remember his name which is funny because I talked about him a lot.

I looked outside my window and smiled as a memory came to mind. There was this time Sasha through a birthday party for me and hired like seven strippers. I ended up in bed with two or four of them and we somehow broke the window.

Oh those were some fun times.

I remember all the sad times I had in here too. Like when I had to ask Adam to turn himself in or the times I just cried over my life being so sucky. I mean like, I have a fucking Ph.D. in psychology and law yet here I am, a former stripper and a fucking waiter.

How amazing.

My parents didn't pay five vacations worth of money for me to be a former stripper and a fucking waiter. But finding a decent job that wasn't already taken in this city was hard. But then again, at least I have money.

And I have a great boyfriend too. I have a demon as my boyfriend and he couldn't be sweeter. Hah, Lathan. He's so cute.

I sat upright at the sound of a knock on my door. "Yes?" I asked and the door opened. Lathan walked in and closed the door before coming to sit next to me.

Speak of the devil's son.

I shifted to make space for him and looked at him dead in the eyes. "I'm sorry Tobias." He said gently. I smiled softly and hugged him. "It isn't your fault." I mumbled into his chest.

Demons eat souls. Lathan eats ass, Tobias's ass.
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