Chapter 8

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I put my bag down as I walked into the kitchen. Despite how tired Tobias was yesterday he still got up and went to work at the Portuguese place. Now that we were "together" as humans put it, I didn't want him in the strip club anymore.

I needed to speak to him about it but I didn't know how to do it exactly. It made me nervous to think of how he could possibly react. Maybe he wouldn't like it and he'd leave but then again maybe he wouldn't. Either way it made me nervous.

I snapped my fingers, turning on the coffee machine. I went to see what was in my fridge ready for me to eat and sighed before realizing that I hadn't had a single soul since getting together with Tobias.

Did he distract me that much?

"What, is the meaning of this?" An angry voice asked. I rolled my eyes and turned. "What is the meaning of what?" I asked my father. "This." He said snapping his fingers, showing me an image of Tobias and I on our date last night.

My blood began to boil but I remained calm.

"He's Tobias, my boyfriend and that was us in Italy at an Italian restaurant on our first date." I answered calmly. "You are the son of the devil, of me! How could you do such a forsaken thing!" He shouted in response.

"I don't think it's good for a man your age to become this upset." I said, becoming more agitated but keeping calm. "How dare you mock me! You son of a bitch...of all the goddamned creatures on this fucking planet you chose a human and a male one at that? Do you know how livid the underworld will be knowing that their collector of souls is a submissive man and that he's married to their ruler!" He shouted again.

"I am not their ruler and I won't be. If you have a problem with Tobias and I that's your issue, not mine. I'm happy with him and if that doesn't make you happy then stop paying our relationship attention." I said, shrugging nonchalantly.

He sighed, aggravated. "This discussion is not over." He said before leaving. I grumbled under my breath and teleported myself to the deepest part of the woods. I shifted into a wolf and stalked the dense forestry for some prey.

Hunting always made me feel better and better was what I needed to feel at the moment. I picked up the scent of a deer and growled lowly, excited for the possible chase. I ran in the direction of the animal before slowing down a bit before just watching it silently, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

I licked my muzzle in anticipation before lunging at the animal, bringing it down immediately. So much for that chase. I looked in its fearful and innocent eyes as I held it down with my paw. The innocence reflecting in its eyes reminded me of Tobias.

His beautiful big blue eyes that were filled with all the innocence of the world. I sighed before letting the deer go. It got to its feet and sped off in the opposite direction I came from. I shifted back to my human form and teleported back home.

Just as I did my phone buzzed in my pocket making me pull it out immediately. "Hey Lathan, I just wanted to say thanks for last night. I had a great time at dinner with you, in Italy. Next time I'll spend the day instead of rushing to work, but I appreciate what you did for our date. Hopefully I'll be able to pull off something more spectacular." The message read.

I smiled. "You don't have to thank your boyfriend for doing what he's supposed to, I'm glad you had a good time. I didn't think you were the type to enjoy fancy settings but I didn't know what else I could do and anything you do with me would become more spectacular than a dinner date in Italy." I typed and sent back.

I waited in anticipation for him to respond. I refused to move away from my phone until he replied. Jeez, he really had a grip on me didn't he. "Haha. Whatever you say, boyfriend. You were right to assume I wasn't the fancy type but I really had fun because of you, even though it was just eating and talking and drinking. I don't think anything anyone does for me will ever be greater than a first date in Italy, unless of course I get proposed to by the love of my life." He responded, putting yellow laughing faces at the end.

He showed me how do to this when I asked him yesterday. I clicked the planet looking circle thing and the yellow round faces showed up. I clicked on the thinking emoji before typing in my message. "I could propose..." I typed before adding the the winking face and the flirtatious winking face with a heart kiss then clicked send.

He replied with a shocked blushing emoji. "I really wanna kiss you now." He sent immediately after, making me smile. "Are you standing still?" I asked, a smirk growing on my face. "Yes." He replied making me smile. I snapped my fingers and he appeared at my side.

He giggled once he saw me and pulled me down gently then kissed me. I kissed back gently making him moan. I pulled him closer and then lifted him so he could wrap his legs around me.

I pulled away from his lips and went to his neck. I bruised his neck making him moan lustfully. "Lathan..." He moaned softly as I kissed his neck. "That f-feels so nice." He whispered as he moved his head to allow me more of his neck to bruise. I smirked, knowing very well where this was going so I teleported us to my room.

"Ah fuck Lathan...I want you so bad now." He moaned as I continued to make out with his neck. I pulled away and laid him on the bed before snapping my fingers, leaving both of us completely nude. "Oh you're going to get me Kitten, don't you worry about that." I whispered sexily making his arousal spike.

This was going to be fun, like always.

Sexy time!
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