Chapter 5

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I hummed as I ran my fingers through Tobias's hair as he slept. I'd never felt this content with anyone in my bed before. Something about Tobias made me happy and not the type of happy I was when someone was in pain. No, this was genuine happiness and he gave it to me.

I'd never felt this way about anyone before and it scared me because I didn't know what to do. The feelings that I was feeling, I didn't know how to act upon them. What would I do, I'm the literal demon spawn of Satan and he's a human.

How would our relationship would my parents feel? I looked at him and his gentle features as he slept. He makes me happy.

If he makes me happy it would only be right to make something of us. I can't be sure if he feels the same because humans are confusing creatures, but I could try. I could try because this made me happy, he makes me happy.

"Hey." I heard a tired voice say. I looked back at Tobias to see he was awake. He looked adorable just waking up. "Hey." I replied, taking my hand out of his hair to let him sit up. He did so and shifted into my side and held onto my arm.

"Lathan...uh...we've been doing this thing and I...I really like it and I really like you and it's not just the sex even though that's all we have've somehow managed to etch yourself in my head." He said.

"I...I just can't get enough of you..." He added before looking at me with hopeful eyes. "I can't get enough of you." I whispered before turning our position to kiss him. I pulled away from him and sighed. "But I don't know if you could handle me...all of me." I said lowly.

"I can try." He offered making me look at him with awe. There was nothing in my mind that was telling me this wasn't going to end in a good way but someone upstairs had a way of working some type of magic, even for demons.

"There's something you need to know before we can do anything with our feelings." I said. "What is it?" He asked. "I'm a demon." I answered. He stayed silent before chuckling softly. "Sure you are." He said giggling some more. I was glad to see him smile at that but he didn't believe me.

I snapped my fingers and we were outside and then I did it again and we returned. I shifted into some of my many forms right next to him before landing on my shadow form. "Do you believe me now?" I asked, my voice demonically deep and threatening.

So much so that he jumped back and almost fell onto the hard floor, had I not moved myself there so he could land safely on me. He quickly got up and put his hand over his heart as he breathed in and out. I rose to my full height and walked to him.

"I understand if you want to withdraw your proposal." I said, disappointed. "N-no...I...I can work with it." He said after catching his breath. "You'd try to?" I asked. "Yes...I really like you Lathaniel." He replied. I smiled and pulled him closer before giving him a kiss.

"But you can't tell anyone about me." I said when I pulled away from him. He bit his lip, still dazed by the kiss and nodded. I smiled and kissed him again. This time I allowed him to take control. 

He swirled his tongue around my own before pulling back and coming in again. My heart began to beat out of control, hurting my ribs and lungs a little so I pulled back. "What's wrong?" He asked as he cupped my cheek. "It's a long but interesting story, would you like to hear?" I asked.

He nodded. I snapped my fingers and took us to the living room. I sat us down on the most comfortable couch there in a cuddling position in front of the fireplace. I snapped my fingers again and a fire started.

"So, me being a demon taking my natural human form I have been given a heart and lungs and everything. Now because I'm a demon I don't need to use my vital organs but you somehow managed to get my heart to beat and my lungs and everything to function . But when you kissed me upstairs my heart beat was a little too strong for my lungs so it hurt." I explained.

"I made your heart beat..." He said before looking at me with a smile. "You made my heart beat, for the very first time." I added making his smile grow. My heart ached at the sight of his smiling face.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered in awe. "You're so handsome." He whispered back and pecked my lips. My heart ached again. I had to be the luckiest demon walking on earth.

I am fucking losing my damn mind!
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