Chapter 35

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All that time, all that energy, all that fucking effort just for this? To be shouted at for simply trying to protect him? I should've listened to my parents, gotten myself a demon.

I wish that for the life of me I just...killed him right there and, I wouldn't have been able to hurt him. Not Tobias, not my Kitten...

I snapped my fingers and took myself back home. I appeared in my study and only became more livid at the sight of my work on Fabian. It was that little shits fault, he did so much...fucking ended the best relationship I've ever been in without me having seen him once.

How the hell does that work?

Seeing all my work and investigation on him only made me angrier. I snapped my fingers, setting fire to my desk full of the shit. I walked out and made my way to the kitchen and made something to eat.

I tried to eat but I couldn't, I couldn't swallow what I'd made. I couldn't do anything knowing that it was over between Tobias and I.

My skin began to burn as his mark signaled me. I wanted to go so badly but there was no point. We were done with each other now and even if I did go, he'd just scream for me to leave.

I snapped my fingers and went to my room. The smell of Tobias still lingered and I couldn't get it out. "Fuck..." I whispered as my skin began to burn even more. This time I didn't ignore it and went back. I walked into his room to see him curled in a ball on his bed crying.

For the first time his mark was telling me about emotional pain, which means this really hurt him, but it also really hurt me.

I contemplated between going to him and making him feel better or just healing his mark so I wouldn't have to deal with him. Before long I'd finally decided what I'd do...I left.

This wasn't my doing, it was his as well. I had my own pain to deal with I didn't need his as well. Yes of course I still love him, but right now...right now I can't be the higher being and apologize.

I walked out of his room and snapped my fingers and took myself home to where the fire from my study desk had spread to the rest of the room. Everything in the room was burnt to ash, the entirety of the room was black. I closed the door to my study and sealed it.

I never wanted to think of what I did in there again.

In the morning I couldn't get out of bed. My body forcibly curled up into a ball and I just felt miserable. Although I felt like complete crap I still hadn't shed a tear. Guess I wasn't that in love that I gained the human quality of crying.

I tossed and turned in bed for another hour or so before forcing myself out of bed. I walked down to the kitchen and made myself cereal. I tried eating but to my surprise my body rejected the food. I couldn't swallow. I tried drinking water and at least it worked, I was able to take it down.

"How does it feel?" Someone asked making me look around in shock. "Who...who's there?" I asked, my voice going through the entire house. "Who do you think, Lathaniel?" The person asked in a sinister tone.

"You were so close to discovering who I was, I was getting impatient. But it seems you both finally gave in." They said, making my blood boil. "I wondered what a powerful being such as yourself was doing swooning over a human. Now that you've seen his true colors and he's seen yours, can I safely say that my job has been done well?" They continued.

"Fuck you." I said changing into my demon form, looking for any creature my human eyes wouldn't have been able to see. Finally the pale man with crystal eyes Joe told me about was revealed.

"Hello handsome." He smirked flirtatiously. I cringed at the sight, he looked exactly like Tobias. "You're Fabian?" I asked him. "I know, I look like your lover...ex-lover...but I'm Fabian." He replied with a smile.

"What do you want?" I questioned. "I want Adam back." He answered. "Now why would set free the soul that wanted Tobias dead?" I asked. "Because if you don't you'll never be with your precious Tobias again." He answered.

"I'm not risking his life for some creature I didn't even know existed." I snarled in response making him chuckle. "Please Babe, you know what I am. I'm a ghost, one of the last ones that exist." He said.

"How can you be a ghost that looks exactly like Tobias?" I questioned. "Adam made me, just in case he'd have to kill Tobias. He always loved this side of that little brat." Fabian explained.

My blood boiled hotter the more I spoke to this tyrant. "Let me kill you and you can join Adam..." I offered making Fabian chuckle. "I see how it is Babe, this isn't over." He said before disappearing.

I grumbled and changed back into my human form. So that was the twat that had me and Tobias at each other's throats. He threatened Toby's safety, now I was going threaten his life.

Weird, I know.
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