Chapter 22

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I studied the bruise on my neck from Adam strangling me and groaned in annoyance. The boys wouldn't be too happy if they saw this, I had to cover it up. I turned away from the mirror and walked back into Lathan's room.

He was sitting on the edge of his bed reading through some papers. "Lathan." I said and he hummed in acknowledgement. "Can you cover up my bruise?" I asked. "I can, but why would I?" He responded. "I want to see the boys, but I don't want them to know this happened." I answered.

"Oh, they know." He responded as he put down what he was reading and stood up. "How do they know?" I asked, shocked. "I told them." He answered as he came to stand in front of me. "Why? Why would you tell them?" I asked, getting upset.

"You were out for three days and I wouldn't let them see you, the least I could do was tell them what happened. They were worried." He replied, looking into my eyes deeply. I sighed, what he was saying made sense. Heck, I would've told them.

"I'm sorry." I sighed. "It's okay, I understand." He said lowly as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back and enjoyed the softness of his sweater. "What did the boys say when you told them?" I asked.

"They were extremely livid, Sasha said some brilliant things after Adam's name and Daniel swore he'd stab him the next time he saw him. Chris suggested we report to the police, but I knew it wasn't what you wanted." He answered.

"So what did you tell them?" I questioned. "I told them that we should wait until you're awake, then we'd talk. Thankfully they understood why." He responded. I smiled in content, they know me so well.

Lathan and I pulled away from each other and I sighed. "Do want to invite them over?" He asked and I looked at him. "You sure?" I questioned and he smiled. "It's better than having you out there where I can't see you and where he can get to you easier, besides I trust them." He said with a smile.

I smiled back before grabbing my phone and calling Chris.

"Oh my god Babes, are you okay?" Sasha asked when he saw me, rushing to hug me. I smiled as best I could as Daniel and Chris proceeded to envelope me in a hug. We pulled away from each other and I took a good look at them.

I hadn't seen them in three whole days, they hadn't seen me in three whole days. "How are you guys?" I asked softly as I couldn't go much louder. "How are we? How are you?" Chris responded as if I were an idiot for asking.

I giggled though and smiled softly. "I'm fine." I answered and he smiled softly. "Come, let's go to the game room. Lathan'll get us some snacks." I said, looking at Lathan just in time to see him nod and smile.

"Don't break anything while I'm out." He teased before pecking my lips. My cheeks heated up as he pulled away from me and the boys started ooo-ing at me like children.

Lathan smiled at their teasing me before waving goodbye as he left us. I grabbed Chris and Sasha's hands before pulling them in the direction of the game room.

"This is quite the place Lathan has here." Daniel said, admiring everything we were seeing down this hall. "Had we been a few years younger I bet Sash and Tob would've thrown the hugest party of the century." Chris laughed and I rolled my eyes playfully.

Before anyone could say anything more we reached the game room and they all just wandered off into their heads, awestruck.

"Wow." Sasha mouthed as he took a look around. The room was about the size of a really, really large rectangular pool with different kinds of games all around. Arcade games to board games to console games.

I was impressed, Lathan knew a thing or two about human entertainment. I'd never been in here actually. When I was at this house I was only ever in the kitchen, his room, his room's bathroom and the living room.

I knew this room existed though, just never had the time to come in here. I could also sense that no one else but him had been in this room and that even he spent a day or two in here before leaving it.

"So what you wanna do first?" I asked. "Let's talk about Kenny, I'm sure you'll be happy to listen." Chris suggested earning a jab in the ribs from Sasha. My heart sparked at the name and I smiled brightly.

"What happened with Kenny?" I asked excitedly as I shook Sasha by his shoulders. He stopped me and shook his head no. My guess was by the excitement and curiosity in both Chris's and Daniel's eyes that Sasha hadn't told them either.

"Oh come on Sash, please." I pleaded with him making him sigh. "Fine, I'll talk. But only after you tell us what the hell happened three days ago." He replied. I sighed now but complied.

We took a seat on the couches and once we were comfortable I started talking. As I did I could just see the rage coming off in waves off of each of them. It felt really nice to have them feel so mad for me, it was really nice to know I had them to look after me and back me up.

I wonder if Lathan ever feels like this with anyone. I hope that one day can feel this way with some good friends of his own. His parents are awful to him and he's either with me or working, that's no way to live not even for a demon. Maybe he'd get along with Kenny...

I need to give Lathaniel some friends.
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