Chapter Two: Cherry Blossom Bolting Sun

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It has been four years since that tragic event had occurred. Minato was now a single dad with his three year old son, Naruto and his mother Tsunade at his side. Minato sat at his desk, looking at everything that was to be built this month, and even the events he had to go to, left him unable to spend time with his toddler. "Son, it seems that you are over piled with work." His mother walks in as she looks at all the paperwork, and then crosses her arms. "Don't you think you need a little break every now and then?"

He simply shakes his head. "No mother. When Konoha City needs me, it needs me. As its president, I must be in top match." He states before clicking on a couple of articles with his mouse. "What about spending time with Naruto?" Tsunade taps Minato's head as Minato pauses in his work. "What about my son? He's sleeping right, or at least watching some cartoons." Minato responds as Tsunade sighs, wanting to punch her son through the wall. "Minato be more like a father. You rarely spend time with your son, and yes he's watching cartoons." She says before heading for the window.

"I got Naruto a caretaker...she'll also be my secretary and be a tutor for Naruto." Minato brings up as Tsunade arches an eyebrow before facing him. "What? You hired someone to practically raise your own son?! Do you even know who he or she is?!" She growls lowly, before Minato stands up from his chair. "Yes I do, mother. Her name is Sakura Haruno. She is going to be showing up today, I have heard a lot of good reviews about her." Minato states before Tsunade sighs. "She better be a damn good multitasking girl." "She will be." Minato responds as then watches his mother exit the office. "I'm going to go watch after Naruto, see you in a bit son, don't work too hard!"


The clicking of her black boots were heard as her semi-long bright pink hair swayed back and forth. She wore a red dress that was not plain, but not too extravagant. Just perfect. She wore a black cardigan over it before holding her black and red purse, and having a luggage filled with things she would need, half for Minato and half for Naruto.

"I can't believe I'm going to be president Minato's assistant, son's caretaker and their maid!" She smiles, as she then stares at the golden gates and sees a button, with a black speaker in the middle. Of course, they were rich and could afford such a wealthy living. She presses a button to ring up Minato as his voice is then heard on the other end. "Namikaze Residence." Sakura lightly gasps. Woa, his voice sounds so serious! Before speaking, a bright smile appears on her lips. "Mr. Namikaze, it is Sakura Haruno!" She says as Minato then clicks the gates to open.

She walks in as she looks at the many cars resting at the parking lot, the neatly tended garden, the pond, everything was just beautiful. Sakura felt like this was a dream she never wanted to wake up from. "Ooof!" She bumps into something as she backs up.

Too late. Dream ruined.

She looks up and sees a lightly tanned man with bright blue eyes that would sparkle through any day and his hair was a perfect sun baked color. He gave her a slight smile. "Pleasure to meet you, Sakura." He says as he turns to his house. "Why don't you step inside with me?" He asks, as she nods. Tsunade stands at the door with little Naruto. "Wowwww, my babysitter is pretty!!!" Naruto smiles as Tsunade pats his head. Sakura smiles before kneeling down beside Naruto. "You must be Naruto!" She smiles as she then looks up at Tsunade before standing up. She seemed somewhat intimidating.

"I'm Tsunade Namikaze, the mother of Minato." Sakura smiles, holding out her hand for a hand shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am!" Sakura smiles as Tsunade shakes her hand. Minato walks back inside. "I'll be in my office." He dully says as Tsunade sighs. "Forgive my son. Anyways, I'll let you get to know Naruto, I have some city duties to attend to." And with that Tsunade was gone, and Sakura took Naruto's hand, and prepared herself for an adventure.

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