Chapter Seventeen: Bolting Blondes

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Sakura moans, feeling a light pounding inside her head as she struggles to wake up, let alone go back to bed. She forces herself up, as the after effects of the couple of wine glasses were already kicking in. She rubs her head as she opens her eyes and looks around. Funny, she remembered that she was sleeping on the couch, not on an unknown bed. Certainly, this didn't look like her bed or Ino's, so she's not home. And this definitely did not look like Madara's bed, because she's slept on his bed countless amounts of times to remember.

She then sees a person sleeping at the side of the bed in a kneeling position, his hands resting on the bed alongside with his head. She blushes, remembering her dream, but she also found that dream weird. Sure, she's had lewd dreams before, but those always involved Madara, never Minato. So why now? Why the sudden shift from Madara to Minato? It sure gave her a head scratcher. She awkwardly shifts in the bed as the familiar fresh scent of Minato drowns her nostrils. She soon realizes, that this is the bed of Minato. She looks around, very wearily.

She then looks back at the sleeping president as she can't help but smile. She shifts through the sheets as Minato mumbles before his eyes groggily open. "Mmmm...Sakura? You're awake?" His eyes glue onto her as she smiles a bit. "G-Good morning, Minato!" She says as Minato yawns. "Good morning." He then stands up as he hears the door open from downstairs. "Papaaaaa!!!! Miss Saaaaaakurrrraaa!" The mini footsteps of Naruto were heard, as the giggles of Tsunade and Ino follow along, making Sakura almost rage, but her inner knew just how to do the job from the inside.

The two exchange glances before Minato then grabs her arm and leads her and himself out of the room, stumbling out, as they both slightly smile at the blondes. Tsunade and Ino silently fangirl as Naruto looks at his father and mother figure in confusion. "Uuhh, Papa...did you and Miss Sakura have a sleepover?" Naruto asks as Sakura keeps her smile on, but wants to make it turn into an raging frown. "You can say that." Sakura responds as Naruto grins. "Great! You two are finally getting along!" Naruto says as Ino and Tsunade smile wide. "Well, we want to go out again, Minato if you would keep Sakura company again."

Tsunade adds as Minato scoffs. "I have work to do mother." He tells her as Ino quickly runs toward Minato and pats his back. "It's okay Mister Big Shot President!!! Hiashi is taking care of all that!!! Tsunade and I got reservations for you and Sakura! We're going out again...soooo byeeeeee!!!!" The bolting blondes zip out as Minato and Sakura's jaws drop, eyes widen, watch in disbelief as they awkwardly stand there, obviously uncomfortable in their forced situation.

MinaSaku: Bolting Blossom | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now