Chapter Twenty Four: My Babysitter will be my Mommy

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Sakura follows Naruto into the kitchen, where he asks politely for a grilled cheese sandwich. "I loved those when I was your age." Sakura tells him as Naruto grins wide. "Really?!" He giggles as she nods. "Of course! I do mine differently though." She says as she skims through the fridge to find loads of cheese. Naruto licks his lips as he then rushes to the living room to find his action figures he got from his grandpa Orochimaru to show to Sakura. "Mm?" She turns to look as he grins wide. "Look, I got Inuyasha and Kagome and Kikyo!"

"Oh? Who do you prefer Inuyasha to be with, Kikyo or Kagome?" Sakura asks.

Naruto thinks.


"Kagome? Why not Kikyo?" Sakura asks.

"Because, Kikyo is Inuyasha's first lover, first lovers are always the best and the strongest, and I hope Kikyo and Inuyasha get married and Inuyasha turns human and has a cute little daughter like Hinata with Kikyo!"

"Really? That's sweet and all, but I prefer Inuyasha with Kagome." Sakura declares as Naruto blinks a couple of times. "Why that angry nag teenage girl?!" Naruto asks as Sakura smiles, grabbing the grilled cheese with care before handing it to Naruto.

"Well, sometimes first loves don't work out, the first ends up dying, like Kikyo, or even worse, betraying their lover, and pushing them to torment. Kagome, on the other hand, sure she is angry at times, but she has a pure heart of gold. I believe she understands Inuyasha more, and she changed Inuyasha for the greater good!" Sakura declares as Naruto sinks his teeth into his grilled cheese.

"Wow...I'm converting from being an InuKik fan to a InuKag fan, thank you Miss Sakura!" Naruto then hugs Sakura's legs as he smiles wide. "Y'know, I wouldn't mind having you as my new mommy!" Naruto tells her as her eyes widen and she forces a smile and almost gets teary eyed. "Awwww, Shanarooo..." Slowly, she picks him up and hugs him.

"Thank you, Naruto."

Minato watches from the hallway, a bit confused and a bit taken aback by Naruto and Sakura.

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