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It took half an hour to get to the airport. I'd never been there before. Tears still stung my eyes. I was still crying profusely, and got a few stares. But no-one asked why or tried to comfort me. Even if I saw a crying stranger I would ask them if they were alright. But these people were heartless. Too busy to care. I didn't want to be like them.

I wanted to be like my eomma.

Kind. Caring. Sweet. Her face came to my mind, and more tears began streaming down my face. I didn't care about anyone else. I didn't care what people thought. I just missed her. But I had to do this.

I had to be strong. For her.

My plane was called, and I boarded. Sitting in my seat, I watched others climbing on the plane. Families. Grinning children. Happy parents. A man in his forties came and sat in the seat next to me, glancing at my red face. But like the others, he looked the other way.

When the plane took off, due to my never having been on a plane, I felt suddenly sick. I watched the shrinking airport disappear while clutching stomach. I had done it. I had left them. I thought I would never see them again. So again, I cried.

I ended up falling into a restless sleep. I wasn't thrashing around or anything. Just dreaming. Of my eomma. Of the kids. It would have been around two five hours after I left that eomma would have got home. I woke to the phone I had taken from its normal place in my room ringing. The number was the home phone. Eomma. I declined the call, staring at the dark sky as I cried. The tears fell, wetting my cheeks and shirt. Sniffing, I noticed the man beside me looking at me.

"Um... Are you okay? You look a bit.. Sad?" he said. I smiled weakly at him. "I've just left everyone behind.. I miss them. That's all." I replied, turning away and ending the conversation. I watched him slowly turn away, looking at a woman his age that sat behind him. More tears fell. And as the flight went on, I cried myself asleep, only to wake up and repeat. It was a long trip.

When I got off, I was a bit wobbly. At that point in time, I was fully focused on the fact that I was in Korea. I was happy. Much happier than what I had been. I was in my home country. But I still looked a wreck. Glancing at a clock on the wall of the building, I saw that there was two hours until the concert started. The flight had taken much longer than expected. Lucky we got there in time.

I began wandering around the place I had been born. Seoul. It was wonderful. Sun. I put my hand up blocking the sun from my eyes. My plastic bags filled with clothes must have looked weird. I laughed slightly at my appearance. I would have to change some stuff before going. So I went to a public toilet nearby. And changed.

I now wore my best outfit. My appa had given it to me prematurely for my 18th. And because of my small size, it still fitted perfectly three years later.

Something like this I guess

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Something like this I guess.

I walked to the venue, leaving my bags hidden in a small shed. It looks unused, so I guessed they would be fine. I had essentials in my handbag, which was slightly worn but still in good condition. And got in the long queue of people, all waiting to see BTS perform.

It took ages for me to get in. I hadn't thought of eomma for a while, I was too excited. When I reached the door, I showed the ticket I had bought and got a wristband to show I had payed. As I  walked in, I saw them. It was just a glimpse, bit I saw all seven as they disappeared backstage. I waited five, ten minutes, and then it all started.

The first song the played was Boy in Luv. I sang along to every word, immersed in their beauty. I watched with awe as Taehyung sang, following his movements and memorising every second. Then came Run. I sang along at the top of my voice. Personally, I didn't think my voice was too bad. It wasn't good, but two or three people complimented my singing.

It went on. They played song after song. And before I knew it, it was over. They ended with Blood Sweat and Tears. What a way to end. Perfect. Then came the moment of truth. They went backstage to the farewell cheers of the ARMYs that weren't staying for the fanmeet, for whatever reason, and those that were staying walked through to another smaller room. It took five minutes of waiting.

But then, they walked out.

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