Surprise I Guess

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When we reached the hotel, the first thing I noticed was that there was no-one else there that I knew. The way Taehyung had told me what had happened made it seem like the others knew I was coming back, but they weren't there. Kind of disappointed at the fact that I had no welcome party, I continued walking behind Tae, not paying attention to where we were going. I only realised when I saw his cheeky smile that we were somewhere different to normal. We walked all through the bottom floor and straight to a back entrance, and out the door.

Outside was a large bus, big and shiny. Looking through the window, I could see an excited Jimin waving through the glass. Tae had stopped me so I could look first, then started dragging me toward the door. I was confused. I had no idea what was going on until I checked a website on my phone after I'd sat down. The app followed all of BTS' plans, be it a tour or just a vacation. And the app said BTS was going on vacation. To America. California. 

I then heard Yoongi, who was peeking over the back of my chair looking at my phone. "Surprise I guess," he said, bored, before disappearing behind the chair.

When I realised what was going on, I randomly hugged Tae, who was sat next to me. I did it because I was excited, but didn't really know what I was doing. Upon apprehending my actions, I pulled back embarrassed. Tae just smiled. Then he got out a camera and told Jungkook, who was sat opposite us with Jimin, that he was gonna do some filming. 

"Hi ARMY!" he said, making half a heart with his free hand.

I then saw I was in the shot, so waved as well, a smile on my face

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I then saw I was in the shot, so waved as well, a smile on my face. "We're going to America! Yay!" he said, doing a little aegyo at the end. I was caught off guard, so anyone watching me at that moment saw me having a heart-attack. 

"For those who don't know, this is (y/n), and she's coming with us!" he explained gesturing at me. I made a weird face to the camera then smiled normally-ish. The bus was just to the airport, and then it was a long plane journey. As we walked into the airport, Tae still filming, I started remembering how I had come here and what I had left behind. Who I had left behind. It made me sad, so I steered clear of the camera until he stopped. That was when we boarded the plane. 

I was sat next to Tae, Jimin and Jungook were behind us and Namjoon and Jin were in front. For the first hour or so I chatted with Taehyung about all kinds of things. Anything that came to mind, and we talked about it. I started teasing him a bit. We laughed a lot but soon ended up falling asleep. I was sleeping with my head resting on his shoulder and he had his head on top of mine. 

I was woken when there was around half an hour until we landed. The person that woke me was Tae, and he did so by poking me on the cheek repeatedly. When I looked up, he was filming again, so I looked lazily up and said the one thing that came to mind, that I knew would make people laugh if they were BTS trash like me.


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