How Did This Even Happen

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What is actually happening? I must be dreaming. This is like some weird coma fantasy. I'm still in England, dying on the floor of the kitchen. I shouldn't get my hopes up.

That was all I was thinking as I was dragged through the streets of Seoul by the Kim Taehyung. Freaking Kim Taehyung. He was guiding me through massive crowds, his sunglasses barely hiding his identity. I was certain someone would recognise him, but not a soul spoke to us. That was almost harder to believe than the situation I was actually in. 

It took about 10 minutes of walking to reach where he was staying. It was a massive hotel, the roof practically touching the sky. My neck bent backwards as I stared, giving me a cramp. I looked forward and was greeted by Taehyung's grinning face, making me internally screech. I simply smiled back; just managing to contain my excitement. He charged past the staff, heading for the stairs. And I couldn't help grinning. I hadn't genuinely smiled in a while now. It felt good. And it stayed plastered on my face for a good amount of time. I was smiling widely when Taehyung told the other members of the group about my predicament. I was still smiling when they greeted me. I was even smiling when they sorted out where I would sleep.

It was decided that I would stay in Taehyung's spare bed. When booking, an extra bed had been placed in each member's room so the producer could stay overnight if needed. And Taehyung didn't mind, so I was good. Internally dying, but good. For the first time in ages, I actually slept. For so long now, I've been crying instead of sleeping, working instead of sleeping. Doing anything instead of sleeping. It was probably unhealthy how little I had been sleeping. 


I was woken bright and early by Taehyung. We'd only formally known each other for a day, but I was comfortable around him, and I think he was comfortable around me. He's that kind of person that immediately adapts to the people around him, instantly becoming comfortable with them. I guessed I was just going to have to get used to it.

"Tell me something about you." was the first thing he said. Not 'Good morning' or something normal. That. Well, I guess taehyung isn't exactly normal. So that's OK. I answered with the first thing that came to my mind. 

"My parents split up when I was 13. My appa went from England back to... well, here," I said, "He came back to his home country, South Korea."

Taehyung nodded, then asked where in particular he was from. 

"He was born here, Seoul. But he didn't come here. He said he was going to find his ancestors with his true soulmate when he left. And his hal-abeoji was from Daegu. So I guess that's where he is."

We continued speaking, Taehyung talking of how hard it must be for me to leave all the people I loved, and that he understood the feeling. But our conversation was cut short when Jimin came in saying it was time to go, and that they were going to do a photo shoot nearby. I was allowed to go with them, but I didn't have to. But me being me, I went with them.

It was an easy choice.

The photo shoot took up most of the day. We got back as the sun went down, all tired. I was especially tired because of my Goddam kidney and fell asleep in the car. I soon found out I fell asleep resting against Taehyung's shoulder.

And that killed me again.

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