It's Getting Worse

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I woke up surrounded by all seven of them, all seven wonders of the world. Taehyung and Jin were crouched beside me, and the others stood to lean over them. Seeing my eyes opening, Taehyung seemed to snap out of some kind of trance, immediately pushing the others back, practically knocking Jin over. I giggled slightly as Jin wobbled, his face showing genuine fear. Jungkook swooped in like an eagle and got him on his feet again, both still staring worried at me. 

Taehyung looked close to tears. I was shocked. It was then I was alerted that he was tightly gripping my hand, and he squeezed lightly. I squeezed back, blushing.

"Are you OK, y/n?" he asked, leaning over to block the light that was blinding me. Looking at him, I felt safe. 

"I'm good. Just... my kidneys." I said. He knew I had something wrong with my kidneys, so he nodded slowly. The others, on the other hand, just looked confused. I prompted Taehyung to tell them what was going on while I tried to get up. "Y/n has a kidney problem," he said, making them all look at me, "It makes her really tired at times and faint."

I smiled weakly as I sat on my bed. Jin came and sat one side of me, Taehyung was on the other. And then Jin spoke.

"So, y/n, what's wrong with your kidneys? What Taehyung said was kind of vague."

I must have looked shocked by his question because Taehyung seemed to glare at Jin. But I answered truthfully. They should know.

"I've got... kidney..." I took a deep breath, "Kidney cancer," my voice shook as I finished the sentence, my breathing heavy. The room seemed to tense, and I sat fiddling with the seam on my shirt. I was suddenly attacked by Taehyung, knocked onto the bed in a bear-hug. He was tightly embracing me, arms around my waist and head in the crook of my neck. The others were still frozen, but I could hear slight sobs from Taehyung. I hugged him back, feeling tears of my own pouring down my face. 

We hadn't known each other long, about two weeks, but I guess Jimin was right. We have been bonding. He's the only one who knows where I'm from, the others were just told I was staying with them. He's the only one who knows about the family I left behind, and how much it kills me sometimes. I'm glad that it was him that I spoke to in the back room, a few weeks before. Because I would be on the streets without him, probably dead after a while without food. I had come with only enough money to get there and be where I wanted to be. He was the one that let me stay. The others welcomed me, took me in and cared for me. But they wouldn't know who I was unless Taehyung did what he did.

We hugged like that for a while, just crying. I hadn't really thought much about what was happening since I had come to Korea, so it hurt more than it should have. Jungkook started hugging me too, and soon it was just a big pile of people. I laughed a bit as I saw Taehyung's face go from sad to 'I can't breath'. I smiled at him, and he, his eyes still wet from crying, managed to smile back. 

"I told you guys that they're bonding." I suddenly heard Jimin's voice as he poked his head out from the pile. Everyone froze, looking at both me and Taehyung. Yoongi then smirked at Taehyung, and I could feel myself blushing. He was blushing too. Not Yoongi, Taehyung. Yoongi was just sitting there with a really creepy grin on his face. 

I was kinda unnerved by Yoongi's perverted smile, but I was glad nothing had changed now that I told them I had cancer. I would have hated it if they started treated me differently because I told them. Over the next few days, Taehyung was always by my side, only leaving when I went to bed at night. I began calling him nicknames, like 'Tae Tae' or 'Taehyungiepabo', and he did the same to me. 

But my condition was declining. I was trying to put it off, that I was getting more sleepy as days went by. A month was left of my doctors time-limit, and it was showing. The worst part was, I had heard Tae talking to Namjoon a few nights before I realised what was happening. They were talking about me. Taehyung was worried. He had noticed. But Rap Mon being who he is, a protective father, asked Tae something. He asked if he had feelings for me. 

And Kim Taehyung said yes.

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