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I started feeling weird around Tae once I found out about his feelings. I wasn't avoiding him, I was trying my best to act normally, it's just I was too shocked to function properly. The person I had loved for years now loves me back. And I'm going to die in a fucking month. Fuck you karma. It's like everything bad I've done in life plus what my appa's done is a brick wall, blocking me from where I should be. With him. Be it as a friend, or something more. It's all up to him. 

A few days passed from when I fainted last, and Tae and I were home alone again. Jin had bought a load of cooking stuff, so we decided to do some baking. It was more throwing flour at each other and making a mess, but we did get some cakes out of it. Once they were in the oven, Tae and I were chatting happily. We were both covered in flour, and at some point, he'd  got some egg in his hair, but he didn't appear to have noticed. So I took a risk and went for it. 

Halfway through our conversation, I stepped in front of him and got on my tip-toes, my face level with his. I got the eggshell out of his hair and smiled at him. I could feel his breath on my lips. His face was inches from mine. He seemed to take a deep breath, as though preparing himself for something, before leaning slowly closer. He wasn't too far, away; it was a few seconds before our noses grazed. He stopped there, looking me in the eye. Something was odd about his eyes, but before I could take in what was going on, I felt something warm on my lips. His eyes had closed, and I suddenly realised what was happening. He was kissing me. And I let my emotions take over for a bit. 

What had started as a soft peck soon turned into a passionate kiss, our mouths melding together. But something didn't feel right. This was what I had dreamed of for a lot of my life, but I wasn't really excited. It didn't feel real. I pulled away, now realising why Tae's eyes seemed strange. They were a slightly different shade to normal. I blinked a few times, confused.

And then I woke up.

I was in a hospital. Wearing a hospital gown. With doctors everywhere. I had no idea what the hell was going on. I was fucking terrified. Was all that a dream? Me kissing Tae? Was that some weird coma fantasy while I was unconscious in the hospital? 

And where on Earth was Tae?

So it's short, but then again, I'm tired. So deal with it XD

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