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"Eomma?" I asked, my voice shaking as I spoke. Seeing my discomfort, Tae put an arm around my shoulder and rubbed my arm, soothing me.

"E-eomma?" she repeated my words, shocked I guess, "Is that... Y-Y/N?"

"Yeah, eomma! It's me!" I said, smiling despite the tears I could feel coming to my eyes.

"Where the hell have you been!" she shouted, and I could hear her sobs as she spoke.

"Eomma, I- I'm really sorry for leaving you..." I started but had to stop for a second, "But I- I took some of the money... And I... flew to..." I took a deep breath, "I flew to Korea!"

My words were rushed, and I was unsure if she'd heard me right. But she had.

"You're in... Korea?!" she asked.

"Yeah!" as I spoke, I remembered a key piece of information I hadn't mentioned yet.

"And... It's a long story eomma, and it won't make sense unless you listen..." I said, making sure she wouldn't interrupt me, "So no questions, OK?"

"OK..." was her reply, and I started the story.

"Eomma, I went to a BTS fan meet. I know it sounds like a really random thing to do, but they have really helped me through a lot." I glanced at them all and felt Tae's eyes on me as I continued.

"When I got there I spoke to some of them, but when I reached one of them, you know, Taehyung?" her silence made me elaborate, "You can reply to this bit eomma."

"Isn't Taehyung your favourite one?" she asked, "With that weird smile?"

"His smile isn't weird!" I said, and Tae seemed to know I was talking about him so made the very smile I was talking about, "And yes, that's him..."

"Continue," she said. So I did.

"When I reached Taehyung, he asked me where I was from, and I told him the truth..." I closed my eyes, "I told him about how I'd... you know... ran away..."

She remained silent.

"He saw I was getting emotional, so took me away from the crowd of raging fans to a spare room, so I could talk freely, without a limit to how long," I explained.

"And then," I continued the story, "After we had talked, I fainted... he nearly called an ambulance, but I managed to stop him. I knew if he called them, I would most likely go through the whole 'you've got kidney cancer' thing again..."

"Mhm" was all she said. Obviously deep in thought.

"He offered me a place to stay... and I'm with him right now eomma..."

"Huh? You aren't in... hospital?"

"Just left..." I said, preparing myself.

"Why would you be leaving...?"

"Eomma..." I inhaled, "He gave me his kidney!"

"He saved my life, and I owe my everything to him!" 

This felt like some kind of confession since he was right beside me.

"So I can't come back to England..." I heard her inhale, "But you can come to South Korea!"

"The money..." I was busy explaining, "I counted it all before I left, and there was enough for all of you to come on a really cheap plane, and in time for Haneul's birthday!"

Does no one remember Haneul? She's now your younger sister. Congrats.

"You really think so?!" she asked, and I could hear the excitement in her voice. She was probably jumping off the walls right now.

"Yeah... I can see you again, and I'm not gonna die!"

"That's one way to put it..." Tae whispered in my ear, making me jump.

"Look, eomma, get everyone to pack and book a flight as soon as possible. Call 01362 692674, that's this phone I'm on now, when you've booked, OK?"

Fake number. Probably belongs to someone near where I live, so you can try a prank call. Just know I'm British, so it might cost money XD

We talked a bit more, but then came the time for me to say goodbye.

A beep told me she had hung up. By that point, we had reached where we were staying. Normally, they would have moved on, but they booked the rooms so they could all wait for Tae and I. Probably just Tae though.

That night was my first night in a while that wasn't spent in a hospital. I felt like I deserved a medal or something, but that was stupid.

Tae was enough reward for me.

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