So They Like Me?

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For this chapter (s/n) means ship name. Just thought I'd mention that. You can comment what you came up with if you want. But that's all I wanted to say. sOoO

OvEr AnD oUt FoR nOw

That one sentence started a chain reaction among the watching ARMYs, some questioning how close we were if I could call him that while others just started screaming in the comments. Most were freaking out because of my little nickname for him, and some even said how cute we looked together. I didn't really take much notice of those ones, they made me feel weird. Butterflies in my stomach. They even came up with a ship name. (s/n). I couldn't help grinning at that. 

"I think they like you!" Taehyung said, looking at me excitedly. I carried on grinning at him, then said something to the camera.

"Thanks for welcoming me like this!" I said, reading through the comments. One caught my eye, and it was asking how and why I was with the boys. "To answer your question..." I scanned the screen to find the username, finding it just as it disappeared from the screen, "PrettyPinkJinPrincess, I never thought I'd be travelling with BTS. Believe it or not, I was just a normal ARMY a few weeks ago, but I guess I got lucky for once." I said, smiling at the camera. 

The plane landed soon after that, and we all walked out of the airport tired and aching. It had been a long flight, and even if you did sleep, it wouldn't have been very comfortable. Unless you were Min Yoongi. He can sleep anywhere, anytime.

This was my first time in America. It wasn't the first time for the boys, they had been here before, but I had never dreamed that it would have been like that. The sun was shining and hundreds of tanned girls in crop tops were walking past, making any pale people (albinos, gingers and just generally pale specimens) stand out. 

I must have made it obvious that I was new because Jimin seemed to notice.

"First time in America?" he asked, smirking at me. I just nodded, too busy taking in the sights. We headed to a beach nearby, and the boy prepared for a photo shoot. PD-nim said I could be in some shots since the concept was 'everyday life', which really surprised me. Me in some of the shots? 


I was really excited and got ready in a spare trailer. Some women did my makeup and hair, giving me some clothes to choose from and stuff. What I chose was this summer dress that was really flowy and had flowers on it. It was a proper summer dress and suited my physique perfectly. I stepped out of the trailer, finding myself face-to-face with a flustered Tae.

"Tae, what's wrong?" I asked, looking at him. He just shook his head and walked away, and I swear I caught a glimpse of a blush on his cheeks. It shocked me, but I was too focused on the photo shoot to really grasp what just happened.

I made Kim Taehyung shy.

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