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I can't think of a good chapter title so I guess comment some suggestions if you want. Or just leave it at this. The decision is up to you XD

Flowers were entangled in my hair, intertwining with my (h/l) (h/c) braids. I laughed, my small giggles filling the room. I was playing on my own while my eomma and appa had a 'grown-up talk'. My sensitivity as a child was why I was so alert to the people around me, like a sixth sense. But I didn't need it to hear the slap that echoed around the house, followed by crying and a door slamming. I ran to eomma, who was crouched in the kitchen, head in her hands. I could tell she was crying, so gave her a hug. When she looked up at me, I saw a large hand shape imprinted on her left cheek, and enough tears to put the Amazon River to shame. 

"It's OK eomma," I said, hugging her tightly, "You're fine." 

I was merely repeating the words that she said to me whenever I hurt myself. I didn't know it then, but we were alone. She was pregnant. And he was gone.

I woke suddenly, tears still in my eyes. The hospital was dark, and only a few nurses could be seen. Glancing at a clock to my right, I saw the time. 03:08. It was the middle of the night. I should be sleeping. The doctor said I need a lot of sleep. But I still want to know where Tae and the others are.

I've been here a week, and they haven't turned up. I don't have my phone so I can't contact them. The hospital won't let me use a phone. I'm all alone, and I don't know why. I'm going to die soon. Where are they?

 I don't want to die alone. 

Doors swung open, and I saw someone running. Three security guards were trying to hold him back, but he looked desperate. I couldn't see his face because of the hoodie he was wearing, so I had no idea who it was. They were frantic. Whoever they're here for must be lucky. But then they called out. They said my name. 

"Y/N!" they were screaming.

The hoodie fell, and I saw his face. It was Taehyung. He'd come for me.

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