A Confession

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We spoke every day, but it was a week later she told me she'd booked the tickets. That day I had been planning to spend staying in; the next day BTS had a big trip and I was going with them, so I wanted to rest. But her news made me want to celebrate.

Tae was happy too. Even though he hadn't met my eomma, he knew she meant a lot to me.

Because of the cost of the plane ride and hotel, it had been agreed that, if I was to travel with them I would share a room with Tae, which I didn't object to at all. So I was allowed to travel with them wherever they went.

I really was the luckiest girl on the fucking planet.

"Y/N, where do you wanna go?" Jungkook asked, looking at the array of shops around me. I've never really like shopping, but these shops had food. Good food. And I was hungry.

Tae was there as well, so double thumbs up to that.

Jungkook and Jin had decided to tag along, Jin wanting to make a big meal for the last day and was in need of supplies, and Jungkook because he hadn't seen the shopping district and was curious.

We spent most of the day wandering around, finding new places and exploring. As the day went on, I began realising something. If you compared me to my previous self, I had come very far since meeting the boys. Back then I didn't stand up for myself, yet now I wouldn't letanyone do anything to me. I now had more of a reason to protect myself. I now had more people supporting me.

I loves my eomma with all my heart, but her support was more forcing me to be independent, whereas Tae's was always being there, whether I needed him or not. And that was what I needed.

It would be a month before my eomma's flight, and by then we would be back in Seoul, which was lucky.

Over the month, I got backstage privileges for three concerts.

As I said, luckiest girl in the world.

For a lot of the concerts, the first thing Tae would do after coming backstage would be hug me. A few times he was late going back out, but the fans continued cheering and screeching at them.

Halfway through one concert, there was a moment we're BTS were talking to the fans. And, to my surprise, Tae called me out on stage.

"This girl here has been through so much in a really short time. Y/N," he looked at me questioningly, and I nodded, telling him he could tell my story, "A lot of people are wondering how she came to be with us, so I've decided to tell you,"

The fans were cheering, and the voices I could make out were all asking the same question Tae was about to answer, "A few months ago, she was diagnosed with cancer," The crowd went silent, "And decided she would come see us..."

"But she had to do something she didn't want to do to get to us. She left her family behind without saying goodbye."

Tae walked to me as he spoke, and began hugging me. The whole crowd started screaming at us, so I took a risk and gave him a peck on the cheek.

Grinning, he giggled while the crowd screamed even louder.

He took off his mic and whispered to me, "Why don't you tell the rest of the story. I think they like you,"

I nodded and took the mic.

"Um... Hi?" I said, unsure of what I was supposed to say at first.

"After meeting the seven wonders of the world," I got a few laughs, "I ended up fainting... Because of my cancer."

"It was just before then that this pabo," as I spoke I pointed at Tae, "had taken me away from the crowd because I was talking about my family back in England and got a bit emotional..."

"He found out about how I didn't have anywhere to stay and offered for me to stay with them, so... I did."

The crowd was completely silent as I spoke, listening intently to every word.

"I got to spend time with the boys, but my health was declining. Around a month ago I was sent to hospital in critical condition..."

Tae squeezed my shoulder.

"I was pretty much certain I was dead... But I woke up. And I woke up to a crying Tae..."

"Turned out, he saved me. I needed a kidney donor, so he did the unthinkable for me, and gave me what I needed..."

I didn't speak any more, I just stood in Tae's embrace.

"Can I tell them about us dating?" he whispered in my ear, bringing a slight grin to my lips.

Again I nodded, and he took the mic back.

But he didn't say anything.

He just kissed me.

In front of screaming ARMYs.

In front of everyone.

And I kissed back.

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