The Best and Worst Moment of my Life

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Everyone was screaming. I'm not judging. I was full on screeching at them. So beautiful. Perfect. This is why I've never dated. Because BTS is better than most males I know. I waited in line, getting more impatient as time went by. Then I was sat down. In front of me, was Jimin. Park Jimin. He smiled at me, nearly killing me, and held his hand out to shake mine. I enthusiastically reached out to him, and we smiled at each other. I introduced myself and got him to sign some albums. We talked for about 5 minutes, and then I had to move on.

Next was Namjoon. Then Hoseok. Then Seokjin. With all of them, I asked them to sign some stuff, and we talked happily for 5 or so minutes, then I moved on. After Soekjin was Taehyung. And I was practically hyperventilating when he went for a handshake. Trying to hide my emotions, I took his hand and shook lightly, smiling at him. He smiled back, with that cute box-smile, and I screamed on the inside. He signed some stuff, and then we started talking.

"So, where are you from?" he asked. I was confused for a minute, wondering how he could tell I wasn't Korean, but then realised I had an accent. So I replied simply, "England. " he looked shocked for a second, then glanced around the room,

"That's a long way to come on your own. Did you come with any family? Your eomma maybe?"

That one line was all it took to kill me. I hadn't thought about them in a bit. I was preoccupied. She would know I was gone by now. She would be worrying. And one thing was for certain, she wouldn't be working.

"Uh, well... my eomma's back at home, in England, along with the rest of my family. I kinda came without permission..."

I don't know why I said it. I guess I was taken aback by his question and the sudden thought of eomma. I missed her so much. I was trying to hide my emotions, but really I wanted to cry. I couldn't cry. Not here. Not in front of Taehyung. I hid my face behind my fringe, attempting to draw his attention away from my face. But he took me even more off guard with what he did next.

A pair of eyes peered around my (h/l) (h/c) hair, and I saw the deadly aegyo. Oh, God.

"You ran away?" he asked, looking at me. I could only nod in reply. I knew that if I spoke, my voice would fail me and I would just squeak at him. I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes, so I blinked them away.

"Are you OK? You look kind of sad.." Taehyung said, pouting slightly. I laughed a bit at his face, then shook my head, denying the obvious truth. I could feel I was crying now, but I didn't want to admit it. Soft tapping sounds told me I was getting the table wet, so I quickly moved and wiped away my tears. He looked at me for a bit, before speaking.

"I can see you're not OK... You don't have to hide it. We can go somewhere a more private if you wanna talk about it." he said softly. I looked at his face and saw how he genuinely looked concerned. So I nodded. It would be nice to talk to someone about this whole mess. Because I knew if I bottled it all up, it wouldn't be good.

Taehyung talked to someone who obviously worked there, and they nodded, pointing at a nearby door. He got up slowly, waving goodbye at some of the fans, and took me into the room.

The walls were bare, and all that was in there was a small pile of spare chairs. I glanced at Taehyung, who was looking around the room, and watched as he pulled out two chairs and signalled for me to sit down. Nodding, I sat down, anxiously staring at my knees. When I had come, I had been so happy. Now I was really upset, and I was with my bias. It was kinda embarrassing. I could feel my blush as it crawled onto my cheeks, and watched Taehyung's feet as he went to sit down in front of me.

"You can talk if you want to... You don't have to, though. But it's better if you talk about things that are bothering you, even if it is with someone you've just met." he said, and I saw his small grin. With a heavy sigh, I made the decision to speak.

I told him about all of it, except the whole kidney cancer thing. He didn't need to know I was going to die. And he just sat, listening. It felt good to talk about it all. It took a weight off my shoulders. And I felt comfortable talking to him. The words just came and flowed into sentences. When I stopped, I looked at him. His face was serious, and his lips were pressed together in a tight line.

"Sounds bad..." he said, looking sympathetically at me. I smiled weakly at him. My head was beginning to spin. A thought came to my head.

The doctor told me about the kidney cancer thing. How it makes you faint and stuff. Am I gonna...? No.. not here. I have to hold on

I blinked, trying to hold on to my consciousness. I needed to stay awake. I just had to. But karma is a bitch, I guess. The world began tilting sideways, and I saw Taehyung's face changing. My head hit the ground, but I didn't feel pain. My eyelids were heavy. I couldn't move. Couldn't speak. For a bit, I just lay there, watching Taehyung's worry increase. Then black spots appeared, making it hard to see. But they took over, and it all went black.


I sat bolt upright, nearly smacking the phone out of Taehyung's hand.

"Don't call the ambulance!" I screeched at him, seeing the device. He dropped it like a hot-potato, staring at me. I looked at the phone, seeing the digits '119' typed in. Lucky he didn't press call. (For those who don't know, that's the Korean emergency services number) That would have been bad. I know how strict they can be for wasting their time.

"Uh... You OK?" he asked, looking at me.

"I'm... fine. Just a kidney problem. Nothing wrong. Except for the kidney... problem.." I replied, trying to smile. Awkward...

He glanced at my face, and I could see him smiling back at me. Ish. I got up off the floor, dusting myself off, before heading for the door.

"I should be off now," I said, smiling at him. I opened the door to no one. Everyone had left. Fuck. But a tap on my shoulder made me turn around.

"You said you'd run away..." said Taehyung, "Do you have somewhere to stay?" he asked, looking at me questioningly. I shook my head slowly. He grinned at me, with that killer box smile.

"You can come stay with us!" he said, smiling widely.


So yeah this is longer than normal cuz I spent ages to update... gonna take a while again cuz I won't be able to access Wattpad for a bit, so I leave you with this!

rUsTy SpOoNs AnD jUnGsHoOk ImMa SwIm To KoReA bAi~

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