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There was still a pain in my stomach, but Taehyung's hugs helped ease it. My time was coming and I knew it, but I wanted to spend all of it with him. I had entrusted myself to him. He was the one that offered for me to stay with them, he was the one who cried with me when I told them I had cancer, and he was the one who had guided me through the darkness, and helped me learn how to smile again.

I owe my life to my eomma, yes, but I owe my everything to him. Ever since my appa had left, I hadn't been able to truly live. He, Kim Taehyung, had shown me what true life was. What true love was. 

His tears showed me that he trusted me, that he felt comfortable enough to show his true emotions around me. 

Maybe what he said to Namjoon, about his feelings, maybe he was telling the truth. Just maybe.

As he sobbed on my shoulder, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged tightly. The others had left to give us some privacy, whether it was because they were actually emotional or because they could almost sense what was happening.

My hug became tighter as I brought my lips to his ear, preparing what I was going to say mentally.

If I'm gonna die, I might as well give it a shot. I thought as I took in a deep breath.

I could feel something deep inside me that wanted me to close my eyes. A part of me was telling me to just let go and die. My failing kidney meant at any moment I could faint for the last time, leaving this world for good.

But before I left, I wanted to leave behind a message.

"Taehyung..." I whispered, catching his attention immediately. He grabbed my hand, looking at me like I was some kind of messiah.  

"Tell the others it was wonderful to actually meet them, to spend time with them," I continued, making him stare at me, shocked.

"You can tell them yourself! When we've got you out of this place! You're fine, you've just got to pull through!" he said, making tears come to my eyes, "Please... don't leave me so soon..." 

"Taehyungiepabo..." I started. Now he had tears flowing from his eyes again, and I could see the sincerity in his eyes, "I.. I love you..."

His eyes almost popped out of his head when I said that. His arms tightly squeezed me, and I felt his hand clasped onto mine.

"I love you too, Y/N" he whispered, as though reality had just sunk in. I was dying.

I smiled at him, trying to have him smiling back as my last memory. The doctor had said it would be around an hour if I was lucky, so it was going to end soon. 

Then it clicked.

Kim Taehyung had just told me he loved me. Me personally. 

It was then I realised his movement. Before I could comprehend what he was doing, his lips were on mine in a tender kiss. My eyes fluttered closed while I internally screamed, but then I realised my mistake.

I had closed my eyes.

I could feel that he had reluctantly pulled away, but I couldn't open my eyes to see him. I could hear his next words, even if they were slightly slurred, but I couldn't lift my eyelids to watch his mouth move. The darkness was taking over, and my ears were still picking up his worried speech.

"Y/N? Y/N!?" he was shouting now. I heard the door open, and footsteps came closer to me. My head touched something soft, telling me I had fallen onto the bed.

"Get a doctor!" Taehyung was screaming now, "She can't die! I just... I just told her..."

But then the darkness took over completely, blocking it all out.

I was gone. I was dying.

I had left him behind.

I didn't know then, but I would come back. Just now how I had expected.

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