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Hoiz. Sorry I haven't updated in ages but my WiFi kept dying ;-; Check out @lollillolliepop peoples. She mah frond. She also kinda ginger so kill two birds with one stone. YEaH

We had an hour to find what we were getting, and could only buy one thing unless we wanted to keep it as a souvenir. What we decided on was a small statue of two children, both made of gold, and one sticking two fingers up the other's but Kakashi style.

When we got to the beach, there were no insane Korean males running around screaming, so it appeared that we were the first to finish. In fact, scratch that. Taehyung was screeching, so there was an insane Korean male running around.

I started flicking wet sand at Tae, and he retaliated by splashing water at me. We were laughing, unaware if the pair of Asian people coming up behind us. Taehyung fell over, pulling me down with him. As I fell, I saw Hoseok in the corner of my eye, and his face was curling up into a smile. It was almost like time was going in slow motion, and before I knew it I was on the sandy ground.

A hard chest cushioned my fall a bit, but all that did was give me three simultaneous heart attacks. Dazed, I just kinda laid there, sprawled on Taehyung's chest while Hobi screamed. I blinked, trying to get my bearings while a wild Jimin appeared out of nowhere, laughing his head off. Tae's chest was heaving, telling me he was laughing too.

Pushing myself up, I saw Taehyung's smiling face as he giggled. I giggled with him, causing Hoseok to scream louder, which made Kookie resume the torture from that morning. I stared at Tae, losing myself and forgetting where we were. I was still laughing, and so was he, I just couldn't bring myself to look away from his face. Such perfect skin, those bright eyes and his perfect nose. How did this boy not have a girlfriend?

With a swift movement, his hand was pushing against my back, and without any warning, I was on his chest again. I looked up to see Yoongi directly behind me, gummy smile plastered on his face.

"Why'd ya do that?" I asked him, trying to sound angry but unable to do anything but smile back.

"You look cute together!" he replied, making me blush. I could see Tae blushing in the corner of my eye which killed me.

And then everyone was back. We held out what we had got, comparing them.

Yoongi and Jungkook had got a bike with a face as the seat, which made me laugh. Jimin and Jin had got a plastic phone that made weird noises when you pressed the off button, which made me laugh even more.

Everyone's reaction to my and Tae's statue was priceless. They kinda looked at it for a minute, confused, until Jin screamed "Kakashi!" and made us all jump.

We ended up winning. Taehyung was so happy, he rugby tackled me in a bear-hug. We laughed, and for a while I forgot all of the bad things about me. The sadness. The depression. For a small amount of time I even resorted to self-harming. But he made it go away. He was the sun that chased the dark away.

Talking to him was like having my own little sun.

I was going to miss that. The laughter. The happiness. If I had stayed back home with eomma it wouldn't have been as fun, nor as exciting. But my time was coming to an end. I didn't want to admit it, and neither did they, but I was going to die soon. I wouldn't have been surprised if I had died that day.

But the thing that made me really sad? Now that I'm friends with BTS, I have a greater yearning to live.

A need for their friendship.

A need for their appreciation.

A need for Kim Taehyung.

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