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Something weird has happened. When I go to edit the book, nearly everything is normal, but the part that tells you the genre of book is in Korean. It's like Wattpad knows I love Korea, but can't really understand the language, so therefore is torturing me. But meh, Google Translate isn't perfect, but it'll do for now.

For the photo shoot, I literally just splashed around in the sea with Tae. I was laughing a lot, and so was he. I had a lot of fun, but it was tiring. Looking through the photos as we drove to our hotel, I saw how Tae was smiling and laughing in a lot of them, and how I was too. Those that I wasn't in he seemed to be more obviously acting, which for some reason made me smile. The smile grew when Taehyung, who was sleeping beside me, woke up.

He looked really tired, and it was adorable. His head rested on my shoulder, but I could see his eyes were still, open taking in our surroundings outside the bus. We were in the middle of a city, the bright lights and traffic told me that. I smiled at Tae, who was starting to doze off again when Hoseok appeared out of nowhere. In his hand, a camera. He was practically screaming, and when he snapped a photo of Tae and I the scream grew louder. Yoongi started stirring, making Hoseok stop briefly, but he carried on afterwards anyway.

Taehyung was wide awake because of all the screaming. He looked like he'd just seen a ghost, and his face was so startled I had to laugh. He looked at me while I snorted, his expression now confused. Which made me laugh even more. My laugh was apparently infectious since Tae then started guffawing at the top of his lungs. Taken aback by his sudden explosion, I laughed even more, only pausing when the bus stopped.

Again Taehyung and I were sharing rooms, the reason being that he wanted to keep an eye on me in case I fainted. He was doing a lot for me. 

I owed him big time.

We walked into our room, seeing two king-sized beds. They were too tempting, so I ran full speed and jumped, landing in the fluffy folds of the duvet with a squeal. Taehyung quickly followed, leaping next to me. We just laid there, looking at each other as we giggled. Propping myself up on my elbow, I started a conversation and he ended up bragging about his previous trips to America. I already knew about most of them via YouTube, but it different hearing it from Tae's point of view. 

Soon, we fell asleep, lulled into dreaming by each other's warmth. Normally, I would be freaking out if I slept in the same bed as a member of the male race, especially a famous male. But it felt natural. So I slept soundly, waking in Taehyung's soft embrace.

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