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  I could hear sirens, they rang loud in my ears. The thing was, I couldn't see the vehicle the sound emanated from. I couldn't see anything. Everything was black except for a small white dot in the distance, from which the sound came from. Someone was shouting, but I couldn't recognise their voice.

The sirens grew louder, and I realised it was an ambulance. My vision began to return, but I couldn't move. I was laying on the floor, and Taehyung was leaning over me, tears obviously in his eyes. I wanted to comfort him, but no matter how hard I tried, my body wasn't responding.

We were still on the beach; I could see that much. The sun was considerably lower, though, so some time had passed.

My initial presumption was that u had fainted, but that didn't explain Tae's tears. A paramedic got me on a stretcher while I thought to myself, and wheeled me into the waiting ambulance. Tae followed. Before will could comprehend what else could be happening, we were moving and the sirens were blasting once more.

"Excuse me, sir," started the paramedic, "What happened, exactly? We need an eye-witness' account of what occurred, for the records."

Tae just sat there, not responding. His face was blank. I tried to twitch my finger to tell him I was alright but to no avail.

"Sir?"  the paramedic repeated, catching Taehyung's attention this time.

"Huh?" said Tae, having clearly not heart the first time. "What did you say?"

When he told the paramedic what had happened, gid voice was too quiet for me to catch on. I still had no idea what was going on, bit I had a slight inkling.

"If you don't take the necessary treatment, you'll have 6 months," said the doctor. My mother gasped, but he continued, "The first warning will be like you've been poisoned, so you'll faint and then start spasming slightly. Maybe even some frothing of the mouth," he said, "Then, if yyou'relucky enough to wake up, however briefly, you will fund yourself unable to move. Some have been able to move a bit after a while, but very few have got to that stage and survived."

My mother paled; at one point she had worked at a hospital so she must know around about what it would look like from his description. She wanted to help me, I could tell, but a previous illness made sure she couldn't.

I didn't feel like I was dying. But I was.

Why did this have to happen now? I've become friends, best friends maybe, with BTS. and now fate had to come and do this?


I fueled my want to move with my emotions. By then, Taehyung and I were alone in my hospital room, and he was sat beside me. The doctor had said there was nothing he could do without a viable donor, of which I had none.

He was crying. Seeing him like that, I managed to reach for his hand and squeeze gently.

He glanced up at me, tears still flowing. I smiled weakly at him.

Suddenly, I was in his embrace, his choked tears wetting my shirt. I hugged him back.

"I thought I'd lost you," he sobbed, " I thought Id never see your smile again."

I rubbed his back in a comforting manner, now able to move freely.

"It's OK," I said. But it wasn't. And he knew it.

"What's happening?" he asked, sniffing slightly.

"I'm dying."

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