Getting Myself Together

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Over 100 views;-;. I know it's not per chapter, but the fact that 100 people, somewhere, have read this is weird. Makes me feel funny. In a good way. 

oVeR aNd OuT

I sat, staring, not able to comprehend that he was here. I jumped up, running over to where he was.

"Let him go!" I shouted at the security, and, one by one, they did. But they were wary. They obviously didn't trust Tae. When they were all gone, I practically jumped on him, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him tightly. I hadn't seen him in a week, and I'd fucking missed him. At that moment in time it was just me and him, no-one else mattered. Over the week of my being here, I had let my imagination run loose and thought up hundreds of reasons for why he hadn't come. A car crash. Illness. Something bad. And I couldn't help but cry. 

He had been frantic to get to me, but he wasn't crying. I looked at him, and couldn't help but bury my face in his shirt, hiding. 

"What's going on Tae?" I asked, genuinely confused. I had no idea what was real or not, or whether this was even real, so I needed to clarify. He looked at me briefly, then answered. 

"I'll explain later, first I'm gonna get you back," he said, for once looking serious. That just confused me more. I was in a hospital. Why would he want to get me out when I have cancer, and should probably be here anyway? "You have a surprise waiting," he said, smiling at me and completely ending the moment of seriousness. 

When we left, he began filling me in on what had happened. I had fainted again, and this time it was at a photo shoot. Of course, none of the staff knew that this was normal for me so called the ambulance. They had been insanely busy and weren't allowed to go and see me because I was distracting them, which just made them worry more. So then, early that morning, they had been told that one of them could go pick me up after that day's photo shoot, and Tae was elected to go since we're apparently closer. The thing with the security? He got a bit excited to see me so ran in and knocked a load of important stuff over but carried on running. Which kinda made him look a bit suspicious. My memory's a bit dodgy though because I hit my head and got a minor concussion, which was why I was there for so long.

Since the only car he had was a small plastic toy, Tae had called a cab to get us back. I had changed into some clothes I had bought a while back when Tae and I went shopping. I probably owe him so much money. Oops. 

Short but my Dad's trying to get me to turn my laptop off ;-;

im not gonna im just gonna put it  to sleep and start writing again after im meant to be asleep cuz im a ninja of the ginger XD

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