Without Light, There Is No Darkness

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Through the dark, I could hear voices. I couldn't hear who was saying what; I couldn't even understand what was being said. One voice stood out, though, and I concentrated on it through the dark. The voice became more recognisable as my eomma's, and soon an image of her appeared, far in the distance. I tried running toward her, but she began running away, and, despite how far away I was, I could see tears in her eyes. Shouting her name, I became breathless quickly because of my poor health.

"Eomma!" I screamed, trying to get her attention, "Eomma, it's me! Y/N!" 

She turned slightly, her tear stained face filled with despair. I wanted to reach out to her and comfort her, but she was avoiding me. 

"Yo- you left us..." she started, making me freeze.

"The kids are all hungry..." she started crying more, and a few tears came to my eyes as well.

"They're starving... because.." a spark appeared in her eyes, a boost of confidence, "They're all starving because of you!" she screamed, causing more tears from both of us.

This isn't real. I'm just getting punished before I die properly. Punished for leaving them all behind. Right?

If this is real... I'm sorry eomma. I'm sorry anyway, but I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I thought, remembering 2NE1's last song, Goodbye. I didn't listen to it much; I was never a big fan, but it suited the moment. I was saying goodbye to everyone. Like they were when they released the song.

Almost making me jump, a bright blaze flashed, lighting the area. Was this it? Was I going to Heaven? No, I've done too many bad things... This is probably some horrid trick to make me think I'm going there, but I'm really going to Hell.

A/N If you ain't Christian just pretend you are for a bit XD  Jungkook singing 'I'm gonna be a bad boy' should make up for it, but I'm too lazy to put it here so search it XD there's a three-minute loop I found so look at that for a bit XD

A strangled voice came from the light, and my attention completely left my eomma as she disappeared into the white. I recognised this voice straight away, and what he was saying- no, singing, broke my heart. 

haruman neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon
haruman neowa naega sonjabeul su itdamyeon
haruman neowa naega hamkkehal su itdamyeon  

It was Taehyung singing. I could tell. I would recognise his voice instantly, even if I had never met him face-to-face. The darkness faded away, and soon a white light was all I could see. I felt the linen sheets that covered me. I felt my closed eyelids over my eyes and felt I had the strength to open them.

So I did.

I don't think he noticed at first. Tae was in a bed opposite me, also in a hospital gown. 

Why? Why would he be wearing that? It's not like he's had a surgery or anything. Right?

As he sang, I began harmonising with him. My voice was quiet at first, so he didn't hear me, but I knew he had heard me when he abruptly stopped singing.

"Y/N? You- You're awake?!" he asked, making me giggle softly. This was a nice little dream.

But it couldn't be real. I'm dying. That's why it made no sense whatsoever.

"What's happening Tae? I thought I was-" he cut me off by giving me a small peck on the lips, making me blush slightly.

"Shh..." he said, looking slightly sad, "I told you all you had to do was pull through. All you needed was a helping hand."

As he spoke, he lifted his shirt, revealing a long wound on his stomach and chest. It took a minute for me to realise what this meant.

He hasn't... I thought, creasing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You... Did you give me your kidney?" I asked, wanting to confirm my thoughts. He nodded in reply, a small smile growing on his lips. I could still see tear stains on his face, though.


"Because... Well, I love you, pabo!" he said, now grinning widely, "And now you owe me big time!" he said, his laugh echoing around the room as I beamed with him.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes, and he stopped laughing to hug me.

"Taehyungiepabo... I love you too.."

As I spoke, a loud cheer made me look up. I saw Jimin, fist in the air.

"Now you know how it feels!" he laughed, and I smiled at him.

"Yeah... It feels great for a beautiful girl to have a nickname for me!" Tae replied, making me blush more. Jimin just pouted, while all the rest of the boys walked in.

"Jimin..." Namjoon walked in, staring at Jimin. Jimin turned to him, "You got no jams." Namjoon finished, earning a high-five from Jin. I laughed as the boys started messing around, Tae sitting beside me and holding my hand. I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched the others, too scared to get up in case I fell.

"Taehyung~" I whispered slightly, and he turned to me, a smug grin on his face. That grin made me laugh, and I laughed hard.

A bit too hard maybe.

A small pain in my stomach made me stop laughing, and I lifted my top slightly to see a small amount of blood. I'd ripped my stitches.


"Ah. Goddamnit," I said, my teeth gritted. Tae looked at me, concerned. 

"You OK jagi?" he asked.

"Ripped my stitches laughing at you," I said, teasing him. I hadn't realised the others were looking at us, not until I remembered he'd called me 'Jagi'. 

"Tae...?" Yoongi asked, arising from the only seat in the room other than the beds, which weren't seats anyway, "You can't call Y/N 'Jagi' unless you're dati-"

Tae cut him off, "I called her 'Jagi' because we are dating." he said in a know-it-all's voice, shocking all the boys.

"We are right?" he whispered in my ear, loud enough for the others to hear.

I nodded, internally dying but able to put up the pretence of serenity. All the boys started shouting, and I heard Namjoon congratulating Tae. 

"Well done! You know what this is like? Like having a son..." he said, making me scream more on the inside. I couldn't hold it all in when Jin agreed with him.

So I laughed. It wasn't necessarily loud, but everyone in the room started laughing too. I had to stop and ask Tae to get a doctor for my stitches, but I was happy.

Maybe this wasn't all a dream.

It might be real.

Because I can feel that warmth. The warmth I only get around Tae. 

He's like my own personal sun.

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