Life and Death

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"I'm dying."

As I said those words, the door to my room swung open, revealing the rest of BTS. Jimin led the way in, and all of them were crying. Just not as much as poor Tae. He had started crying heavily because words, but I would rather he knew the truth than I lied to him.

"Y/N... I can't lose you..." he sobbed, making me cry a bit, "I've only just got to know you! I've only just been able t- to recognise my feelings..."

At his words, I began stroking his shoulder while BTS got in a big semicircle around the bed, Jimin standing next to Taehyung and trying to comfort him. I couldn't stop my tears from falling, so started crying with him.

But he shouldn't be crying over me. I'm just a fan that got lucky.

We all hugged, and I told Jin to take care of them all. Jimin and Jungkook offered to keep an eye on Taehyung, which made me laugh a bit. VMIN and VKOOK at the same time.

I hadn't really got the chance to get that close to any of the other members. I wished I had had more time, but you can't change the past.

Sobs could be heard from everyone in the room, Taehyung's being the loudest. He seemed to have been really affected by this. By me dying.

Taehyung's POV

"I'm dying."

When I heard those words, I couldn't help myself from crying more. I knew she had expected this, she wasn't phased by this at all, but I wanted to get to know her better. 

I needed to.

She was so strong. I had been through emotional times, and all the ARMYs said I was strong then. But Y/N is stronger.

A while ago, I had told Namjoon that I had thought I had feelings for Y/N, but now I'm positive.

It's just I was stupid enough to leave it so late before I realised.


I felt a strange stabbing in my stomach, and leant forward, clutching at my abdomen. Jimin immediately ran to get a nurse, while Taehyung randomly hugged me. The pain was too much, so I started crying heavily. My hand found Tae's, and he began rocking me back and forth, relaxing me. The pain was still there, but it was better.

Jimin then ran in a flustered nurse behind him. She then took a quick pulse, before telling the following news to the boys and me.

"This girl's kidney is failing. The only way she can survive is if she has a transplant right now."

I just sat there, staring at the nurse. Her words seemed to echo around the room, and I heard her voice repeating them in my head. It was as though I hadn't heard her, and it took a moment for it to sink in. I hadn't realised it at first, but I was crying. Taehyung was practically choking he was crying so much, and the rest just kinda stood just as shocked as me. 

I should have known. 

I shouldn't have pushed my luck and tried to befriend him. Now I've upset him. And because he's upset, I'm upset too. 

I love him.

Taehyung's POV

She can't leave me...

I need her to be with me!

She's one of the few girls I have fallen for, but, like all of the others, she is going to leave me.

The only difference this time is that she wants to stay, but she can't.

I can tell by her facial expression that she doesn't want to leave, and that's just making me even more upset.

She's young, beautiful and smart. 

She shouldn't die so soon.

But there is something I can for her, something that might be able to save her.

It's her last hope.

Our last hope.


So yeah, I just kinda extended the last chapter... cUz Im WoRtH iT

But I won't be able to update for a while cuz my Dad don't like me being on my gadgets for too long, so he banned my ass XD

Im meant to be doing homework, but he went out for a bit to walk my dog so Im taking this chance to make people cry.

Or not.

But whatever.

Might write a bit more, but who knows XD

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