The King's Queen

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A/N so I haven't updated in a while cuz mah dad was mean and took my phone hostage ;-; but I've snuck away on my laptop so here's another chapter XD

and the vid above is freaking killing me slowly... cant wait until the 13th XD

Taehyung's POV

Her lips inches away, I decided to take the chance. Risk it and kiss her. 

My lips pressed softly against hers, and my eyes closed, enjoying this moment. It was just me and her. Her next actions surprised me, as she began returning my kiss, her hands snaking around my neck. My eyes snapped open, shocked, only to see her eyes as they closed.

How I wish I could see those eyes... I thought, but I was interrupted when she tensed up. Not moving, her arms were locked. I pulled away, looking at her. As I released her from my grip, she fell sideways, taking me off guard. I couldn't hear anything but my heartbeat as she landed on the bed, almost in slow-motion.

It all sunk in within a few seconds, and before I knew it I was screaming. The tears started falling again as all the rest came in, followed by a few doctors and nurses attracted by my scream. 

She couldn't be dying.

This wasn't real.

Everything was a blur one second and in slow-motion the next, my head was spinning and I couldn't see anything except her. A doctor put his hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me but I wasn't going to stop until I saw her smile again.

I needed her by my side.

I was like a King without his Queen, even if her eyes had only been closed for a couple of minutes.

An idea popped into my head and I fell silent.

All I could hear was slight sobs from the others and my own heavy breathing.

Looking at the doctor with his hand on my shoulder, I took into account the slow beeping coming from her IV. It was slowing. We didn't have much time.

"Take it," I said, catching everyone's attention.

Take what?" questioned the doctor, turning to me.

"Take my kidney to save her. I know you can do it, so just save her," fresh tears began flowing as I continued, with all of BTS staring at me, "Please..."

"I can do it... But it could fail, killing both of you..."

"If I just leave her now, to die alone, then I won't be able to live with myself. If I die trying to save her, then I can be happy.." 

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