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That one moment, on the stage, in front of them all, seemed to go on for years. But in a good way. I wanted it to last forever.

The crazed fans were screeching at us and the rest of BTS just kinda stood there grinning. The kiss was sweet, and after pulling back left a taste on my lips.

"I love you, jagi," he whispered in my ear. I poked his nose and giggled at him, completely forgetting the crowd and just surrendering myself to him.

I had loved him for years, and he had grown to love me too.

I did eventually have to leave that stage, to let the concert continue, but I was happy. I had told the world my story, and now, if I did happen to die, wouldn't just be forgotten. I would be remembered by Tae, by the fans, by my family.

I would be remembered.

A week after the concert, I got a phonecall telling me my eomma and all the kids were about to board the plane. I was going to see them all again.

The day went by quickly and before I knew what the fuck was going on I was stood waiting in an airport.

Taehyung was stood beside me, a mask covering his face so no insane screeching people assaulted him wanting an autograph or something.

We waited anxiously for what felt like hours, but what was really thirty minutes, until a brief phonecall told me she'd arrived.

It didn't take long to spot her. Surrounded by three children, all in old clothes that were too big, and a strangely small out of luggage made her stand out from the crowd.

Tears started streaming from my eyes as I ran toward her, a smile on my lips. She didn't see me until Yeji shouted out to me, and even then it was like she couldn't see me properly. Like she didn't believe I was really there.

"Eomma!" I screamed, not caring if people stared.

I fell to my knees as I hugged her, Haneul in her arms and all the others hugging me tightly. Tae stood to my left, and smiled at the human pile on the floor.

"I didn't think I was going to see my little girl again..." she said, in English.

"Eomma... I'm sorry..."

"Don't be sorry... You're here now because of... Taehyung was it?"

At her words, Tae stepped forward, despite not actually knowing what she was saying.

"Hi," he said, and she looked up at him like he was some kind of messiah.

"You saved my little girl... Thank you so much."

"Eomma... Korean.. He doesn't speak fluently..." I laughed slightly at her, and she corrected herself, after asking a question.

"But you said he spoke English?"

"That's Namjoon. Not Taehyung.." I was laughing at her slightly, and then she turned to him now ready to that him in Korean.

"Thank you so.much for savingy little girl..." he understood her this time. That's a start.

"Y/N..." I looked at Hyegyeong, the child that had spoken.


"Who's this?"

"This is Taehyung, Hyegyeong. He's the reason I'm alive."

"Taehyung hyung... Hyung?" I laughed as she struggled, "Is the reason you're alive?" I nodded, "So he gave birth to you?!"

I laughed as she looked at him, utterly dumbfounded. How sweet it must be to not know, to be ignorant without the consequences of adulthood.

"Where are we staying?" asked eomma, and I looked at her.

"Well, there's a spare room where the boys are staying so you guys can share that and-"

Hyegyeong cut me off, even more confused for some reason.

"You're not sleeping with us?" She asked.

"I'm sharing with Tae because there aren't enough beds in the spare room,

"Aww," she puffed her cheeks in disappointment and I laughed. Hugging her to my chest, I whispered on her ear.

"I've really missed you..."

We went back, and eomma and Tae started talking. They seemed to get along well, which was good. Eomma didn't know we were... Well... Dating.

Upon arriving, Jimin was the one to greet us. Namjoon was close behind, and it appeared they made a good impression. She was curious about the people I'd been staying with, which was normal, but she was also astonished by their way of living.

For one, they had money.

For another, they were good looking.

And they were famous. So yeah, she liked them.

Especially Jin.

Mothers know who their children shouldn't be associating with, and these guys were a big thumbs up.


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