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When it came to sleeping, there were three beds and a chair, so six of us top and tailed while the other two claimed their territory (Me with Tae, Namjoon with Jin, Jimin with Jungkook, Hoseok in the chair and Yoongi on the floor because he can sleep anywhere)

It would have been cold if I wasn't cuddled up to Tae. His warmth helped me sleep, and I couldn't help hugging him tightly all through the night. I guess the novelty of being with Kim Taehyung had worn off slightly, to the extent that I wasn't freaking out every time he touched me, but he was still fucking Kim Taehyung... So I guess I was still freaking out every time he touched me...

But that's expected for anyone.

At first, I found it hard to sleep. At the same time as Tae's presence being soothing, it was always on my mind, stopping me from falling asleep. So I thought long and hard about really random things, like how when you eat an apple, you're eating an apple tree fetus, or, and this one was something my eomma said once or twice, how people who say sex is the best feeling ever have obviously not worn fluffy socks for over twenty-four hours, taken them off (at last) and itched their ankle.

OK it was really hard to choose out of the many shower thoughts on Reddit but how are these? Both made me laugh, but if they didn't how about this one: Luke Skywalker would have been a right arsehole if he had missed after turning off his targeting computer... that only makes sense if you've seen Star Wars but hey ho whatever

Fortunately, I wouldn't be able to compare the two since I had never had sex. But it still makes me giggle, even now.

When morning came, it was an abrupt awakening because they got a key made for the door and forced their way in.

By 'they', I mean my 'doctor' and his nurse friend. But 'they' weren't much trouble for Jeon Cena and my revenge-seeking... well, I guess I can call him... my... boyfriend? *just dies*

When we found a nurse, we talked to her a bit and she said she could let us out if we could get the signature of a doctor, so Jeon Cena and Tae went back to retrieve some old friends of ours.

I was given my clean clothes and all the contents of my pockets from the clothes I was wearing when I was admitted, and then we were off. The moment I was given my phone, I found myself dialling a familiar number and placing it to my ear, wanting to hear her voice.

"Who is this?" a weak voice answered the phone, and I held my breath, not knowing what to say. But she was there, so I needed to speak.

"Eomma?" I asked.

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