An Old 'Friend'

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The final test was an examination. Unlike most other tests, Tae was not allowed to see it, meaning it was just the nurse and I that walked along the corridor. No one else was in sight, and very few doors were there. She let me into a room, telling me the doctor was going to be there soon, before leaving me. I must admit, this was a bit off, but I didn't realise it at the time. I should have been more careful.

Looking at the wall, a picture caught my eye. It was a small family, mother, father, and two daughters. Perfectly normal to anyone else, but to me, it provoked a memory I didn't want to remember.

In my old bosses office, an eerily similar photo hung on the wall. It was a picture of his younger self before he had a divorce with his wife, who, luckily, took their two daughters away with her.

It's just a coincidence, I thought, Just a lookalike.

Then, a voice caught my attention.

"Hello there, Princess. Long time no see..." I turned, and who I saw affirmed my fears.

It was him.

"What on Earth are you doing here?" he asked with obviously feigned innocence, "I heard you ran away, leaving your poor mother, after finding out you had cancer..."

"Stay away from me, you pervert!" I screamed, catching him off guard.

"Looks like little miss Y/N has had a boost of confidence..." he said, grinning, "But pretty girls like you should be seen, not heard. That's why I chose to meet you in such a... you could say... lonely area.... No one will come to protect you because no one will even hear you!"

His laugh was more a cackle as he threw his head back in laughter, obviously enjoying tormenting me.

He took one slow step toward me, a strange glint in his eye.

"Ready for a little trip down memory lane..." he flashed a grin, "Princess?"

"I said stay away from me!" I screamed, trying frantically to find a way out. He was blocking the way out, and there were no windows so I knew I would have to face him.

Hands behind my back, I searched the drawer behind me without his noticing, looking for something that could help me. What I found were three syringes, and I clutched them in my right hand. I knew precisely where to get him to shock him enough, giving me time to run.

His hand snaked into my hair, telling me I was running out of time. Acting on impulse, I attacked, stabbing him in each knee and in the hand that was in my hair. Crying out in pain, he fell to his knees, and I dashed out of the room like god damn Sonic.

At the freaking speed of light, I ran, not giving two shits about Mr Pervert back there. He was on his feet and pursuing me quicker than what I had expected. He chased me down the corridor, and quite a lot of people looked at me, but I kept running. My bare feet slapped against the cold marble floor and my gown flapped around me.

I could hear shouts but ignored them as my room came into view. Once I was in, I would have had the ability to lock it. You know, human rights. So I threw open the door, slammed it and locked the door. I slid down the door, relieved, not realising the whole of BTS, who was kind of just sitting there staring at me. I guess I did make a big entrance.

"Uh.." Tae looked at me, as I panted on the floor, "You OK Jagi? You look like you've been running..."

Bangs on the door, made me jump three feet in the air, nearly screaming. Jimin went to unlock the door, but I blocked him. I hadn't realised then, but I was crying a bit.

"Please..." I begged, finding it hard to breathe, "Don't let him in..." 

"OK, what the Hell is going on?!" Yoongi asked, arising from his corner. I tried to answer, but my heavy breathing stopped me from speaking a word. I just stood there, hand in the air, as they all waited in silence.

"My... my old boss... was a..." I caught my breath, "He was a.. pervert..." they continued listening, wanting to hear more, "And he harassed me sometimes... I needed money, so he used that to his advantage, I guess."

"Uh..." Jungkook was the first to speak up after my confession, "So... are you a... virgin?"

I couldn't help laughing at such a random question but managed to answer his question truthfully.

"I didn't let things go that far. So... yes." I replied, making Tae breathe out a big breath I hadn't realised he was holding.

"And what does that have to do with this?" Jimin asked, obviously confused.

"He's come back... And he's fucking pretending to be my doctor because he thinks he's gonna be able to fucking rape me!" I shouted, letting out part of my anger in that sentence.

Looking at Tae, he seemed angry. He was just sitting there, but his fists were clenched and his eyebrows creased. Another bang on the door really pissed me off, so I shouted at them.

"Piss off!" I shouted, and the banging ceased for a bit. It was replaced with a voice.

"Miss L/N... You need to calm down. It's OK-" I cut her off, shouting at her once more.

"I thought I fucking said piss off!"

Only silence followed, and I turned back to the boys. Jungkook and Hoseok had hilarious faces, both shocked at my outburst, so I smiled sweetly at them. Then burst out laughing.

"You faces are priceless!" I giggled, and they looked even more surprised.

But I wasn't truly happy, even if I was laughing. I was still aware that we were all trapped in this room until he left, and until then I promised myself that I wouldn't be compliant, no matter what they said or did.

But it might take a while to get him to leave...

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