A Good Night's Sleep

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For the first time in what felt like years, I was able to sleep knowing they were safe. My eomma's Korean was being put to the test and she was helping the boys with their English skills.

As time went on, I realised how well Tae and eomma were getting along. I thought this would mean she wouldn't be against our relationship, bit I was still wary.

She was the kind of eomma that would always dislike your boyfriend, no matter what. I knew this because she had clearly stated how she felt, talking about how she didn't want me to go through what she went through: heartbreak.

That was why, deep down, I was scared to tell her.

I didn't want her to reject Tae like she rejected most men.

Daytime was spent with everyone, eomma, the kids and BTS. The boys had been given a period of time off, so no photoshoots, no concerts, nothing. So we were always going out, exploring.

Evening and nightime was spent in the bedrooms, so Tae and I generally had some time not pretending to just be friends. Both of us had agreed to not telling my eomma; she was just getting used to being here so we shouldn't have pressured her with it.

So Tae and I would spend the nights in each other's arms, sharing our warmth.

It was great for relaxing, just being with those that you love.

And I was happy.

All stories do have to come to a close at one point. But they also go on, far past the end of what is written on paper.

Whether the end is happy or sad, there will be a way to find the rest, be it in the next book or in history itself.

And our story is only just beginning.

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