Chapter 1: Mornings

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**I am re-reading my book to make changes/ corrections because it's been like three years haha. So nothing new, but happy readings!**


Your POV

The bright sun shines into my eyes causing me to cover my face with my blanket

"Argh!" I groaned loudly throwing one of my pillows away from me.


I quickly opened my eyes looking to my side and saw Jimin.

    "Jimin! What the hell!" I freaked out on him.

    "Ah.. sorry y/n, it was dark in your room so I opened the blinds." He apologizes with a smile.

He knows I could never stay mad at him.

    "I forgive you but Jimin I need my sleep!" I throw another one of my pillows at him harshly but this time on purpose.

    "Are you trying to start a pillow fight?" He raises his eyebrow.

"You know I'd win."  He winks.

     "Shut up and get out please." I laughed.

     "Why do I have to go." He pouts.

     "I need to change weirdo."  I pointed to the door.  "unless you want to watch me change.." I raise an eyebrow at him with a smile.

     "Okay okay I'm going "  He throws his hands up in the air walking out with a laugh.

Once he was gone I fell back onto my bed and stared at my ceiling.

   "When is he going to notice.." I whispered to myself before getting up from my bed to change my clothes.

I walk downstairs and saw that all the guys were over.

    "Y/N!!!"  Taehyung smiles as he runs up to me squeezing the living god out of me.

    "I-"  *breathes*  "Missed" *breathes*  "you too." *breathes*

    "Oh god. I almost killed you.." Taehyung scratches his head then lets go of me.

I breathe in heavily making sure I wasn't dead yet. Of course I wasn't.

     "Taehyung I know you haven't seen me for a day but there's no reason to try to kill me!" I yelled.

All of the guys began to laugh before continuing doing their own thing.

    "How'd you get into my house anyways?? My parents aren't even home." I questioned them

   "You know hiding your extra keys in your flowers isn't a good spot anymore since I well we all know now." Jimin laughs.

I rolled my eyes. "That's the only place I will remember it!" I pout.

Jimin rolls his eyes at me before he gets up to grab my hand and pulls me to the couch with him. I planted right onto his crotch area. I laid my back to his chest.. This felt amazing... Jimin started to play with my hair with one of his hands as I played with his other hand that was free. His hands go through so smoothly through my hair which made me slowly close my eyes, relaxing from his touch...

      "Don't you have a girlfriend?" Jungkook asked, biting the side of his cheek.

     "So? I'm not really cheating on her. I never kissed Y/N yet nor done anything sexual with her." Jimin shoots a glare Jungkook who just rolls his eyes.

Yet? What does he mean by yet? Like he's going to kiss me but not at the moment or? Wait wait. Why am I letting my imagination take over again.. This is so wrong...

     "Earth to Y/N." Taehyung snaps his fingers in my face.

      "Hm?" I quickly looked up at Taehyung.

"You okay?" He laughs while poking my arm.

    "I'm fine." I push his fingers away from me with a smile.

I get up from Jimin's lap and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of water from my fridge and opened it to take a sip but as I turned around I saw Jungkook standing there just watching me. I started choking on my water from getting frighten.


Jungkook runs towards me as quickly as he could patting my back as I literally die. So embarrassing..

     "Oh my god honey, are you okay?" He asked grabbing my kitchen towel to wipe the water off me. (originally jagi, but I switched it up.)

    "I'm okay but don't do that Kookie!" I slapped his arm but he just laughs while grabbing some towels.

    "Ah you're so cute when your mad." He chuckles as he clean the floor.

    "Thank you." I winked at him before joining in on the cleaning.

Jungkook and I are really close to each other like how Jimin and I are but Jimin will still be my number one best male friend.. even though Jungkook is one of the sweetest guys ever.

I give him my hand so he could get up but as I tried to pull him up I got pulled down to the ground landing on top of Jungkook. My hair fell to the side as my body was on top of his. I could feel my heart beat rapidly as our chest touched. Our faces inches away as I feel my cheeks slowly heat up. I swallow hard not knowing what to do. I couldn't move.

 Well.. this is different." Jungkook's warm breath traveled to my neck.

   "Very.." I smiled before getting off him.

"Why aren't you with the guys " I asked while fixing my top and hair.

   "Ah.. they were just talking about non sense so I just left." He ran his fingers through his hair as his cheeks showed a slight pink look.

   "Oh. What's new anyways they always talk non sense." I smiled, hoping onto the counter.

   "True." Jungkook laughs following my lead.

I look over into the living room and saw Jimin smiling at his phone.. probably texting his girlfriend.. I wish he was smiling at me.... I want to be the one that makes him feel all bubbly inside.... I look back at Jungkook and noticed that he was staring at me the whole time.

" Everything alright? " He places his hand on my shoulder..

A/N: I made some changes/corrections/added in some new sentences because I felt that this book had a bit off awkward parts haha. Hope you enjoy reading this book!

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