Chapter 21: No don't go..

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"Well... Do you think I should?" He stares at me. My body froze not knowing what to do.. I still wanted her but he was my best friend...

"Jimin??" He waved his hand in front of my face. I snap out of thought.

   "Uh I feel like it's too early still Kookie.. Maybe wait a little longer?"

He stares into the water. "But I don't want to wait.." I still didn't know what to say. "Why do you think it's too early? I've know her for almost ten years, we've known her for almost ten years.." He looks back up at me

   "Kookie.. I-"

   "Hey you two dorks hurry up we're all waiting!" Y/N yells at us. I look at Jungkook then swam away from him.

   "You never answered the question!" Jungkook swam after me but I ignored him and swam faster away.

Your pov

Jimin swam over to us quickly leaving Jungkook behind. I turn around as he swam right into me, making me fall back into the water. My legs wrapped around his waist as my hands wrapped around him neck under water before we came back up. I look down at the position we were in before blushing. Jimin quickly lets go of me dropping me into the water again. I swam back up and saw Jungkook sticking his tongue to one side of his cheek again.. Jealous Jungkook.

  *Coughs* We all turn our heads back to Jungkook. "I think we should head back." He glares at Jimim.

   "Uh sure.." Yoongi said looking back at forth at Jungkook and Jimin. We all started heading back to the house but I took a glance look back seeing Jimim and Jungkook arguing.


I get changed into a comfy outfit before heading out. Jungkook pulls me back inside right before my foot touched the ground of outside. I spin around landing in his arms. My eyes fluttered a couple of times before looking straight into his eyes.

    "Why were you and Jimin being so close to each other earlier?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

   "Nothing Jungkook. Jimin just bumped into me that's all.. Calm down okay babe?" I pinched his cheek. He still seemed annoyed. I wrap my arms around his neck. "No one could ever replace your spot with me." I poked his nose. Still no smile. I let out a sighs

"Please Kookie!! I don't like when you don't talk to me.. I'll do anything." I winked before pouting, moving my body closer to his. He gently pushes my body away from him then walked outside.. I stayed still in shock of what he just did. I didn't think he was really this upset.

Jungkook pov

Swimming towards them and seeing Y/N in Jimins arms? I didn't like it. Y/N tried coming towards me but I just in the mood for lovely dovey stuff. I just wanted to know the truth. As I wondered around on the boardwalk I kept thinking of Y/N still had feelings for Jimin and if Jimin still liked her since his answer seemed like he didn't want me to move anywhere farther with the relationship. I walked towards Jin.

   "Hey Jin." I breath out sitting down beside him.

   "Hey Jungkook.. Something wrong?" Jin asked. I put my hands back supporting my body as I leaned back.

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