Chapter 14: Just Once...

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Your pov
*At the after party*

    "WOOOH!" I yelled out, holding a glass of wine in my hand as the bride and groom head to the dance floor.

Kim Tae Hee busted a move out from BlackPink's boombayah as Rain was her back up dancer.

Out of excitement Jungkook and I yelled out "BOOMBAYAH!" during the performance.

Everyone started laughing with each other but I saw Jimin who didn't seem like he was having fun. I stopped my movements and to look at him.

   "What's wrong?" I asked making eye contact with him. Right now I've cooled down from the situation before.

    "Nothing." He gave me a quick glance still with a stone cold face.

I continued to look at him, Something wasn't right...

Jimin's pov

*Before the after party*

I told Jin and Yoongi what happened between Jungkook and I.. Jin got pretty upset quickly at me.

   "Why don't you just listen to Jungkook." Jin said as Yoongi just had a blank expression on.

   "Why do I need to listen to him? I'm the older one if anything he should be listening to me." I say.

Jin squeezes me shoulder and whispered "Is this about Y/N?"

   "No why would you think that? " I back up from him.

   "You've been kinda rude to Jungkook and Y/N the past couple days." Yoongi lets out a breath.

   "So? They just get on my nerves." I shrug it off.

   "Jiminie is jealous." Jin smiled.

   "Shut up Jin." I rolled my eyes.

   "Language Jimin.. Try to enjoy the party. Don't think about Y/N.." Yoongi pats my back as they walk on over towards everyone else.

   "We all know you still like her.. but at least enjoy the wedding." Jin nods. "Now go get your date and head inside the building."

I nodded and walked towards Stacey and intertwined our fingers together.

   "Everything alright?" She asked while gripping onto my hand tightly..

   "Yeah let's just get inside." I smiled.

~~~~ During the party ~~~~

I see Jungkook and Y/N jamming out to the music. They were laughing at each other.

   "So.. wanna go dance?" Stacey asked as she ran her hands in my hair.

   "Not right now. Maybe in a couple minutes." I stayed still like a statue.

   "Okay.." Stacey removes her hand from my head.

Rain and Kim Tae Hee walk up to the microphone.

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