Chapter 12: Mini interview.

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Days pass by and yes Jimin and Stacey are dating but did they sleep together? I don't think so.. I mean it's not my business to get into Jimin's love life even tho I would like to say that they didn't sleep together. The boys had a live interview today so I decided to join along. Thank god Stacey didn't come because I probably wouldn't even be able to handle being in the same room as her for an hour.

    "Y/N!" Namjoon calls out.

   "Yes?" I look up at him.

   "How is my little girl doing with my little boy Jungkook?" He smiled as he wrapped his around around my shoulder.

   "We're doing just great bro." I pat his chest.

   "That's good.. I'm proud that Jungkook finally got the courage to ask you out.."

   "Yep." I smiled.

He looked around before whispering into my ear. "I need to tell you something."

   "Well what is it?" I asked.

   "I can't exactly tell you here since we're surrounded by people." He sucks in the air.

   "Oh come on Namjoon! It's not gonna hurt telling me." I rolled my eyes.

   "Fine but you wanted to know." He throws his hands up in the air. "Jimin and Sta-"

   "Namjoon the shows starting!" Yoongi yells gesturing Namjoon to hurry up.

   "I'll tell you after." He pats my head before running off to the set.

Now I wanna know! I watch them from fist and seeing them all laughing and hitting each other's arm.

Jungkook pov 

     "Ah Jungkook I heard your dating Y/N!" Eric laughs with them.

     "Yeah." I smiled.

   "They're so in love!" Yoongi says.

   "Ah Yoongi.." I blushed.

   "What about you Jimin? Heard your dating someone." Eric shifts his body towards Jimin.

   "Yeah I'm dating a girl named Stacey." He smiled

   "Ooh fun. Two BTS members are in relationships."

   "All they do is talk about Y/N is with Jungkook." Jin laughs.

   "What about Stacey do you hear them talk often about her?" Eric asked.

    "Sometimes but it's always Y/N this, Y/N that." Hoseok says all smiley.

   "Interesting." Eric smiles. "Are you two like fighting over her?" Erin asked out of curiosity.

   "No we're not fighting at all it's just that Y/N is my best friend and I truly care for her." Jimin smiled.

   "Yeah I'm her best friend too Jimin.. no need to be worried." I push my inside cheek with my tongue.

   "I know." Jimin glances over at me.

I look to the side only seeing Y/N smiling at us. I winked at her causing her face to go all red. Jimin rolled his eyes at me as Namjoon laughs at us.

Your pov

Finally after waiting forever for them the show ended. The boys all walk towards me with a smile on their faces. As Jungkook walks towards me he gives me a quick kiss on the lips before wrapping his arm around my waist dragging me along.

   "I always started blushing every time we talked about you." He kissed my forehead.

   "I know I saw you go pink." I laugh. "But you looked really cute." I lean onto him.

   "Thank you." He smiles brightly at me.

Namjoon walks towards Jungkook and I.

   "May I take her?" Namjoon asked politely.

   "Only five minutes." Jungkook glares at him.

   "Okay I'll make sure she returns back safely." Namjoon laughs as Jungkook nods.

Jungkook let's go of my waist. I walk towards Namjoon.

   "Well??" I pull him away from the crowd.

   "As I was saying.." Namjoon clears his throat. "Jimin and Stacey are going to this wedding. We're all invited but Stacey didn't want to tell Jungkook cause he'd invite you and she really doesn't want you to come for some reason." Namjoon shrugs.

   "How do you know?" I asked.

   "Who else?" He looks at me.

   "Jimin?" I guessed

   "No duh.. Even tho you think Jimin doesn't still have feelings for you. Trust me Y/N he still really cares for you deeply inside." Namjoon squeezes my shoulder.

   "Yah.... what are you trying to do?" I stare at him.

   "Nothing! I just told you what you wanted to hear." He takes his hand off my shoulder before walking off.

   "Namjoon.. you know I truly do love Jungkook right.." I grabbed his shoulder stopping him.

   "I know you do.. but you also love Jimin." He turns his head to the side.

   "What are you trying to say?"

He turns around. "You need to decide.."

  "I- I can't." I let go of his shoulder..

  "Then we'll let your heart decide. I just don't want anyone to get hurt." He hugs me.

  "Namjoon..." I whispered into his chest.


  "I'm scared.."

"Don't be.. just remember we'll still love you either way." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled at him.

"Wedding is tomorrow at twelve pm. We'll pick you up at 11:30 am. Be ready and look beautiful." Namjoon winked at me before heading off.

Jungkook walks towards me smiling.

"Did Namjoon tell you about the wedding?" He intertwines our fingers together.

"Yep and I'm very excited to be your date." I lean into his face.

"Me too.. You're gonna look so beautiful" He leans down and gives me a soft kiss.

"And your gonna look handsome." I wrap my arms around his neck.

"We'll be the best looking couple.. if Jimin and Stacey don't beat us." Jungkook chuckles as wraps his arms around my waist.

"Come on love birds!" Jimin yells out.

We both run towards him.

"What's up?" I nudge jimins shoulder.

"Come on let's go" He ignored my question.

I look at Jungkook and he looks back at me.

"Someone's mad." Jungkook whispered into my ear..

I nodded back in reply but why? We didn't do anything wrong.. well at least I didn't.

Sorry for a short chapter! I've just been busy with school and all.

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