Chapter 13: Wedding and a little bit of drama

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10:37 am

   "Where's my outfit??" I begin to panic as I look everywhere in the room.

   "Looking for this?" Stacey walks in wearing the pink dress I bought earlier.

   "Stacey why are you wearing my clothes??" I looked up at her in disgust.

   "You just left it lying around so I took it." She shrugs, walking around the room.

   "It was on my bed?!? Could you take it off please." I crossed my arms as I huff in annoyance.

   "No it looks better on me." She denied while taking a short spin.

   "Stacey I'm not going to start a fight with you over a stupid dress."

   "Just look for a new outfit." She rolled her eyes before walking out.

   "Why do you hate me so much?? We only met a couple days ago!" I chase after her, just wanting to be done.

   "I don't hate you.. I dislike you." She laughs, walking away.

   "What?" I scrunched my eyebrows. "Why did I even let her get ready with me..." I mumbled. "I'll just ask Jungkook if he could help me get a new outfit."

I ran towards my bed stand grabbing my phone.

To: Kookie💕
Hey babe, can you get me a new dress?

From: Kookie💕
What happened to the one you got yesterday?

To: Kookie💕
Stacey took it. I don't know why I mean it was literally laying on my bed then when I got out of the shower she was wearing it. It's not like she doesn't have any clothes.

From: Kookie💕
Jimin needs to teach her manners. She seemed so nice when we were on our date.

To: Kookie💕
That's called acting. Anyways can you just buy me something cute to wear?

From: Kookie💕
Of course, I'll be there soon.

I place my phone onto my bed as I walked towards my table with all my makeup products on it. I start off with doing my eyebrows.

~ 20 minutes later ~

I finish touching up my eyeliner on the left side right as Jungkook knocked on the door but I wasn't fully finished my look.

   "I'll get it!" Stacey yelled walking down the stairs.

   "No I'll get it." I got up from my chair and ran downstairs in my pink robe.

I arrive at the door at the same time Stacey did.

   "Why so fast? It's just a door." She looked at me before opening the door.

Outside standing was all the boys. Not just Jungkook.

   "Here you go." Jungkook handed me the bag as he stepped inside the house.

   "Oh my I didn't know all of you guys were coming over." I smiled as Jungkook gave me a kiss on the cheek.

   "Well I mean we were all done getting dressed and when we heard Jungkook was coming over to see you we thought we'd just join." Namjoon smiled. "I mean if it's okay if we join."

   "Of course it's okay Namjoon!"

Stacey walked over to Jimin giving him a hug.

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