Chapter 9: Jimins got a new girl?

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"I um.." I bite down on my lip.

   "Okay are you ready?" She walks back with a note pad in her hand.

   "Yeah could I have water please also could we order our meal right now?" Jungkook smiled as he leans back and let's go of my hands.

    "Yeah of course if you're ready!" She smiled, nodding.

    "Are you ready?" Jungkook looks over at me.

    "Yeah." I smiled while closing my menu.

    "Okay could I get your Alfredo pasta please." He closes the menu.

   "Awesome and for you madam?" She shifts her body towards me writing on her notepad.

   "I'll take the same as him please" I smiled handing my menu to her.

   "Alright it should take about 25 minutes. I'll be back with you food then." She takes the menus from us and leaves.

Jungkook kept staring at me which made me a little awkward.

    "Sorry if I'm making you feel pressured.." Jungkook shakes his head.

    "No it's okay kookie." I smiled as I reached over to his hand. "I'll have my answer by tonight"

    "Okay." He smiled.

* ding *

Jungkook and my phone both went off.

   "Someone on the group chat just texted.."  I said grabbing my phone.

We both look down and stared at the screen.

        Seven hotties and their queen 👑

My chimchim💛: Guys guess what! Sorry for late notice.

Kookie💕: What Jimin?

Taetae🍜: What!!

You: ????

Yoongi👀: Im trying to sleep Jimin-ah.

My chimchim💛: I met someone.


My eyes widen in shock.. He's met someone?

   "Jimin met someone??" Jungkook gasped.

   "What? Let's continue texting." I said in a stern voice very focused.

Seven hotties and their queen 👑

Kookie💕: What's her name??

Mama Jin👅: You've moved on that quick??

My chimchim💛: Her names Stacey.

Yoongi👀: Ok ok I'm awake now...

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