Chapter 16: A New Start

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Jimin's pov 

I manage to get everyone out of the house and to the restaurant in time but when I got there it was only Taehyung, Jin and Hosek.

   "They're late aren't they." I shook my head.

   "I'm guessing.." Stacey added in.

A few seconds after of saying that they both walk into the restaurant.

   "Oh my. We're the last ones here." Y/N laughs. "Sorry for keeping you guys waiting."

   "You weren't.. Jimin and them just got here too." Taehyung smiled.

   "Oh cool." Y/N nods as she moves towards Namjoon with Jungkook following her.

  "Ahhh I'm so excited for swimming." Hoseok claps his hands.

  "Me too!" Y/N scrunched her nose. What a cutie..

Your pov

I put my bikini on then covering it over with a cute dress with my hair in two French braids.

   "Jungkook you're gonna make us late after that." I laughed tying my last braid.

   "You didn't stop me." He smirked as he puts on his shirt.

   "Oh wow so this is my fault?" I smiled as I give him a quick peck.

  "Yep." He turns me around and decided to give me a quick swing.

I just begin to laugh as he picks me up and lets half of my body hang down behind him as he held my legs at the front.

When we got there I thought we were late since everyone else was already there.

   "See I told you were late. " I whispered to Jungkook.

   "No we're not.. even if we were it's fine." He whispered back.

As Jungkook and I got closer to the table everyone looked at us.

   "Oh my. We're the last ones here." I laugh. "Sorry for keeping you guys waiting."

   "You weren't, Jimin and them just got here too." Taehyung smiled.

   "Oh cool." I nodded going to sit beside Namjoon, Jungkook following me of course.

It was kinda silent between us which was really awkward since we're never quiet when together..

   "Ahhh I'm so excited for swimming." Hoseok claps his hands breaking the silence.

   "Me too!" I scrunched up my nose with a smile.

   "I wanna go down the slide!" Yoongi says. "But it's the one where you need a partner."

   "I'll be your partner hyung!" Hoseok offered.

Yoongi looks at him with a 'really' look on his face. "Fine." He rolled his eyes.

  "I'm going with Jungkook." I poke at my milkshake with the straw.

  "Fuck yeah your going with me." He smiled

  "Language young one!" Jin point his butter knife at Jungkook.  

 "Sorry hyung." He put his hands up in the air.

 "You ain't killing my boyfriend." I took my butter knife and hit Jin's knife. Jin takes Namjoon's butter knife and pointed it at me.

 "I'll kill both of you." Jin says fiercely trying not to laugh.

Jungkook takes his butter knife and threatens to kill Namjoon in a jokingly way of course.

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