Chapter 4: Smootch

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Her hand then travels to my neck as I moved my body closer and closer to hers.

   "Jimin.." She slowly opens her eyes.

   "What.." I whispered.

   "Kiss me..." She breathes out. (oh my god who was I three years ago?!)

I go in for a very passionate kiss, smashing my lips onto her wanting the taste desperately. I lick her bottom lip asking for permission to enter. She then opens her mouth a little bit more wider for me to stick my tongue in. She soon immediately replies back with little tugs of my hair causing me to let out a mini moan by accident. She slaps my chest gently and I backed up.

   "Jimin!" She whisper yelled.

   "Shit sorry.." I apologized.

She rolled her eyes before grabbing a fist full of my shirt and pulling me towards her lips. I wrap my arm around her curvy waist.

Your POV
I grab Jimin's collar of his shirt tugging him towards me. I could see the smirk on his face in the dark. His lips landed back on mine letting me taste the sweet feeling of his lips. He wraps his arm around my waist tugging me closer to his hips. I just wanted to go crazy but I just remember that the boys were over. I still continued to let his tongue travel around in my mouth. Jimin gives a mini squeeze on my ass causing me to let out a tiny moan sending him the hint of pleasure. I could feel the smirk on his face appear against my lips. I heard footsteps near the kitchen so I immediately pushed Jimin away from me.

Jimin ran the other way around back to the living room.

I just see Jungkook walk in.

  "Oh kookie it's just you." I gasped in relief, but now seeing him.. I felt guilty inside.

   "Yeah.." He smiled.

He walks to the fridge grabbing a drink out.

  "You're not drinking that." I pointed to the beer bottle in his hand.

   "Why? I'm the age." He crossed his arms.

  "Don't make me take that out of your hand." I laughed

I may of just made out with Jimin but I still deeply cared about Jungkook.. I may of even develop mini feelings for him as well.. God this was such a stupid decision of mine. 

  "Make me." He laughs.

I rolled my eyes before running towards him trying to get the bottle out of his hand.

  "Give it you jerk!" I jumped up and down.

He just continues to laugh.

I pushed him against the table which made him stumble a little bit.

  "Hey that's cheating." He pouts.

  "Nope." I jump onto him wrapping both of my legs around his waist.

He instantly wraps his arm around my waist letting me grab the bottle.

  "Wow that took less time than I thought." I smiled, taking the bottle out of his hand and placing it onto the table.

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