Chapter 8: A little secret

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A/N: This chapter is a little bit more focused on you and Jungkook.
"What!" Jin yelled out loud with little bit of cotton candy in his mouth as Namjoons mouth was wide opened.

I looked at them as both of them were so shocked.

   "We were right!" Namjoon hits Jin's arm. "Jimin is the dirtiest minded in the group." He then shakes his head.

   "Guys don't tell anyone please.. I don't want Jungkook knowing." I begged.

   "Okay we won't tell anyone.." Jin smiled at me

   "Thank you." I smiled back. "Since we're here why don't we go on some rides?" I walked towards them and snatch their arms.

Namjoon and Jin looked each other before looking at me.

   "What?" I looked at both of them.

   "Only one ride." Namjoons puts up one finger.

   "Better than nothing!" I squealed as I pulled them to the rollercoaster.

   "Ahh.. Y/N you know I'm scared of heights.." Namjoon says in a shaky voice.

    "You'll be fine." I rubbed his arm as we stood in the line.


"See! Nothing scary" I laughed after I got off the ride.

    "Yeah I guess it wasn't that bad.." Namjoon smiles at the floor.

    "Wow.. I think I'm gonna puke" Jin laughs as he begins to walk silly.

    "Aww." I walk over to him patting his back.

As I was helping Jin I felt buzzing in my hand. I look down at my phone.

"Jungkooks calling.." I looked at them worried.

    "Answer it!" Namjoon yells while repeatedly hitting my arm.

I slide it right, putting it against my ear.

    "Hello?"  I said.

    "Hey Y/N can we talk in person?" Jungkook asked.

   "Yeah of course. When?" I begin to bite down on my bottom lip.

    "During dinner? I mean it's already 4:50 pm. I can pick you up at 6:15 pm tonight. What do you say?" He offered. I couldn't tell if this was going to be bad or yes.

I look over at Jin and Namjoon. They both mouth "Say yes!"

    "Yeah that'll be great"  I smiled widely even if he couldn't see.

   "Okay, cool. See you soon I guess." He chuckled over the phone.

   "Alright. Bye, see you soon."

   "Bye." Once he hung up I look over at Jin and Namjoon. They both ran up to me with huge grins.

   "So what's going on?" Jin asked

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