Chapter 24: Surprise

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It's been a year since I've broken up with Jungkook and 10 months since Jimin asked me out. Jungkook found another girl who makes his heart flutter, but he always told me I'm the only girl who could make him feel head over heels which I took it as a compliment. We all went to the beach for a nice little sunset walk. Jimin held my hand as we walked on the sand. I turned around to look for the guys but they were gone.

  "Jiminie where's the other boys?" I asked still holding onto his hand.

  "Don't worry about them they probably wondered off." He smiled pulling me closer to him. I wrap my arm around his waist as he kissed my head.

   "Let's head up to the board walk?" He asked. I nodded at his words. We walked up to the rocky walkway. I saw my mom and Makayla standing there.

   "Jimin what are they doing here?" My eye widen.

   "Oh hey guys here take her! I'll be back I'm gonna go get ice cream." He yells at my sister and mom smiling. He pulls me over to them and leaves me.

I look at him run but then Makayla pulled my face to look at her.

   "Hey beauty." She smiled making me smile.

   "Hey twin." I smiled. My mom held my hand as my sister blind folded me. "W-what?"

   "Shh just trust me okay. Hold onto me and moms hand we'll guide you." My sister whispers and I nodded. We walk a little bit before stopping. My mom turned me to the right.

   "What's going on guys?" I laugh nervously. My mom takes off the blind fold. I saw candle lights with roses leading down the boardwalk. Form far of distance I saw each other of the boys holding a rose in their hands.

   "Go on sweetie." My mom cried tears of joy. My sister gestured me to go on without them which left me a bit confused..

I begin to walk down as I stop at each of the guys they handed me a rose while saying a nice comment to me.. Each reason why they love me. I walk pass everyone except Jungkook he was the last one holding the rose.

   "Hey Kookie." I smiled with tears in my eye. He hands me the rose.

   " I love you because you make my world shine.. You're unique, gorgeous and any boy is so lucky to have you.. I was lucky to have you.. Please keep on walking till the end beautiful." He smiled with tears in his eyes. I gave him a quick hug before taking the rose and walking down to Jimin who was at the end. Jimin was holding the last rose.. The pink one as I held all the white ones. I felt tears fall out of my eyes fast as he smiled at me.

   "Don't cry beautiful." He walked up to me handing the last rose. I took his then he took my hand and led me to the heart that were made of out candles and rose petals. Everyone was now near us taking pictures. Jimin gets down on one knee. I held the flowers in my hand still. He pulls out a small box.

"I want to spend my life with you forever. We may have gone through tough times with each other but I don't care how many times you get upset with me. I love when you talk to me it makes me all happy. I'll never leave your side even if you leave me. I'll always be with you till the end. I don't want to marry anyone else but you.. So Y/F/N ( Your full name ). Will you make me the happiest man on the earth and marry me?" He smiled. I nod my head up and down letting tears fall out quickly.

   "Yes yes yes" I laughed with tears of joy falling on as he slid the ring on my finger. I grab him face and gave him a sweet passionate kiss before hugging him. He spun around a couple of times. Everyone was crying. I looked at me sister who was crying into Taehyungs shoulder. He hugged her as he kissed her forehead.

"When did you two get together?" I said off topic looking at him. My sister froze as Taehyung's eyes widen.

   "Um... Like a month ago.." My sister laughs into Taehyungs chest.

   "You hid your relationship from me???" I gasped as if I were offended.

  "Surprise?" Taehyung smiled. We all just laugh. I was so happy I was going to get married to my true love.

  "Yay everyone's happy!" Hoseok yells as he threw confetti into the air. Everyone was happy.

  "I love you Park Jimin." I smiled as confetti landed on my hair.

  "I love you Y/F/N." He leaned in and kissed me.

  "Woooooh!" Jin yells out as everyone threw confetti at each other.

Jimin and I were in our own world while I laid my head on his chest closing my eyes.
Authors note:
There's going to be one more chapter which is the final to this book. Thank you for reading this book❤️

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