Chapter 19: Movie night~

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Taehyung moves his hand up my legs... At this point I didn't bother stopping him.. I wanted him to continue. I was breathless from the rough kisses we've had. He unattached his lips from me starring deeply into eyes.

   "Should we..." He whispers. I pull him back down into a kiss. He moves up a little. "I'm guessing that's a yes." he chuckles. I smile at him then attaching my lips on him.

As his hands tug my skirt down we both turn our heads as we head really loud knocking on the door.

   "Makayla!!!" Y/N yelled. "Come out!!" She bangs louder.

I look at Taehyung right away. He gets off me and pulls me up from the bed. I pull my skirt back up fixing it. I wipe off the smudge lipstick on his face but it still made a stain. I open the door.

   "What?" I glare at her.

  "Where have you be- oh.." She moves her head to the side spotting Taehyung in the room. "Sorry I interrupted.." She winks at me. I roll my eyes.

   "Can you um go?" I bite my lip down.

  "Oh right." She blinks quickly snapping out of thought. "I'll call you down later for cake." She smiled then left.

I lock the door before running back up to Taehyung.

  "Shall we continue where we left off?" I smirked leaning close to him. A huge smirk forms on his lips.

Your pov

I run back downstairs after I went up to her room.

   "So where is she?" Jungkook asked with a curious face.

   "She's with Taehyung." I winked. All the boys just laugh.

  "Of course.." Jin laughs shaking his head. I smile at each of them but once I laid my eyes at Jimin I couldn't stop smiling. I could see Jungkook staring at me as I made solid eye contact with Jimin. I soon look away as I felt my cheeks go red.. of course I still had slight feelings for him.. I felt Jungkook's arms tightening around my waist as he fingers squeeze me thighs. I look at him seeing a little smirk on his face as he continued to drink.

~ After the party ~

   "Bye! Thank you for coming!" I waved before closing the door. I slid my back down against it. "Ah.. this mess." I rubbed my eyes.

I walk back into the kitchen seeing Makayla and Taehyung being all cute with their pieces of cake. I lean against the counter.

"How was it." I smirk at them. Makayla turns to face me with her head all red.

   "None of your business." Her face goes all red as she continues to feed Taehyung some cake. I laugh at her as Taehyung mouths 'Fantastic' to me.

  "Y/N!"  Jin yells. I run to the backyard.

  "Whatttt." I groaned loudly as I tried to feed Jungkook some cake.

   "Bring Makayla and Taehyung too." He widens his eyes.

   "Sorryyy." I shrugged then went to get them.

We walk back out all together. I see little fairy lights hanging in the tree as there were blankets on the ground.

   "Movie night to finish off the birthday girls party." Jimin smiled. Makayla smiled back at Jimin. She walks down the mini stairs and heads towards the blankets. I lean against the wooden board.

   "You did a great job for the party." Jimin walks up to me.

   "Thanks Jiminie." I poked his nose. He smiles at me causing me to form a smile on my face.

   "I hope we'll still be close like we were as kids.." He comes up and stands beside me.

   "We are close though." I was confused. He grabs my hand.

   "I meant like close close.. I know this is wrong.. but I still really like you even if I don't show it."

I stare into his eyes. They were sparkling.. it was so memorizing.

   "Jimin.. I... I can't." I let go of his hand.  You had your chances... I'm with Jungkook now and I'm not a cheater." I backed up.. " 'm sorry. I hope we're still close after this." I walked away from him heading towards everyone else.

I felt like having a mental breakdown.. This was all happening to fast. I just need time to think about this.. The feelings I have for Jimin and Jungkook.. Who I actually want to be with.. I sit down beside my sister as she wraps me in her blanket. She may be younger than me but I still love her even if we fought over stupid stuff.

  "You okay?" she asked as I laid my head on her shoulder.

   "Mhm." I mumbled.

That night was amazing.. We all got closer to each other, made s'mores, Hot chocolate, talked about embarrassing stories and so much more. I couldn't expect anything else. Jimin and I never brought up that conversation we had earlier..

A/N: Sorry this chapter was short! I'm just really busy with school and I have exams coming up. Thank you for understanding :)) P.S no this isn't the last chapter haha sorry if I made it seem like it.

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