Five years later (Requested)

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It's been five years since Jimin and I got married. We had a little five years old girl and a cute three years old boy. Jimin was taking selcas with our daughter Mi Sun as our son Tae Min was playing with our dog. I sat on the chair on our porch watching then all happy. I began to sketch out a drawing in my book for fun.

"Mommy!!" Mi Sun called out.

"Yeah sweetie?" I looked up at her with a smile.

"Look what daddy got me!!" She held up a bracelet.

"Oh wow daddy got you a bracelet!" I pretend to be in shock as Jimin had a huge smile on. His eye smile made so happy. I pick up Mi Sun and placed her on my lap.

"Mommy?" She looked up at me.

"Mhm?" I smiled at her.

"Uncle Kookie told me that he use to date you.. What's date?" I let out a laugh while I played with her hair.

"You're too young to know" I laugh as I kissed her forehead. She crossed her arms and mumbled 'Fine'. Tae min comes running up to us giving Mi sun a flower.

"Awwe" I place my hand on my heart. Mi sun took the flower and gave Tae min a hug. She hoped off my lap and tugged on Tae min to follower her. They ran up to Jimin giving him a hug. Jimin let's out a cute laugh before squatting down and giving them both kisses on the cheek. After they finish being all happy Jimin walks over to me, leaving the two children alone with our dog. He pulled me off the chair before taking me spot. I pout at him as he just laughs before pulling my waist down onto his lap. I get my hand tangled in his hair.

"I'm so glad to have you as my wife." He leaned in a kissed my lips.

"I'm glad to have you as my husband" I smiled against his lips.

"What do you say round three?" He smirks. I slap his chest while rolling my eyes.

"Shut up." I mumbled against his lips before kissing them again. I wrap my legs around Jimin's waist as his hands traveled to my ass cuffing them.

"Ewww mommy and daddy are kissing." Mi sun says. I turn around to look at them and saw Mi sun covering her eyes with Tae min copying her. I let out a laugh into Jimin's chest before getting off him.

"Did you do this with uncle Kookie too?" Mi sun asked. Jimin and my eyes widen.

"Mi sun!" I tried it to laugh. Jimin tried it to smile.

"Alright children time to go inside." Jimin chased them into the house. I shake my hes before following. As I stepped into the house Jimin spins me around giving me a quick peck.

"So.. Round three?" He raised his eyebrows as I rolled my eyes.

"In your dreams!" I laugh before walking into the kitchen.
A/N: Thank you for 9k!❤️ love you all💕 I'm also kinda embarrassed by this book but whatever haha. I hope you enjoyed it!

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