Chapter 15: What a fun night.

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"Oh my god.." I looked at Jimin as he looked at me.

The flashlight was shinning on us brightly.

  "Rain?!?" Jimin gasped as my heart drops.

  "What are you two doing?" He looked shocked as he turns off the flashlight.

  "We uh um." I hesitated as my face turned red from embarrassment.

  "What are you going out here??" Jimin asked as I slowly hide myself behind him.

  "I was coming out here to get the cake but I saw you two so I walked over here.." He crosses his arms. " I guess you two were busy.. " He looked confused.

  "Rain please don't say anything to Jungkook.." I begged, sticking my head out.

   "Wait are you dating Jungkook?"

I nodded as he looked disappointed.

"What about you?" He points to Jimin.

  "I'm dating a girl named Stacey.." Jimin looked down at the grass with shame.

   "Y/N.. Jiminie.." He shook his head. "I'm disappointed in you two.." 

   "Wait how do you know my name?" I asked out of curiosity

Rain smiled. "Whenever we hangout the boys talk about you a lot. Especially Jungkook and that guy." He points to Jimin who was hiding his face.

I look up at him and smiled.

"Look I won't say a word.. but if you get yourself into more trouble with your love life.. don't get me involved."

   "Okay." Jimin and I say at the same time, agreeing.

   "Anyways come with me and help me get the cake so it doesn't look suspicious." He gestures us to follow him.

We followed from behind.

   "Sorry I couldn't control myself." Jimin whispered into my ear.

   "I'm sorry too.. I just continued instead of stopping.." I whispered back, trying to forget everything.

   "Well I mean I didn't regret kissing you.."

   "I didn't regret it either.. but it was wrong." I breathe out..

   "Yeah.." Jimin runs his fingers through his hair.


We carry the cake into the building. Jimin holding one side as I held the other.

   "Wow your pretty strong." Rain chuckled.

   "Are you saying I'm weak because I'm a girl?" I fake gasped.

   "Of course not!" He backed himself up. "Sorry if you took it that way." He apologized.

   "I forgive you." I smiled.

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