Chapter 3: Oh my..

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Just as his nose touched mine someone opens the closet causing us to both get frighten.

   "Jin!" I gasped which caused me to push Jimin away from me.

   "What the hell were you two doing in this closet??" He whispered with a smirk on.

Jimin grabbed his arm and pulled him into the closet, quickly closing the door.

    "Jin shut it." Jimin glared at him.

    "You aren't cheating are you?" Jin raised his eyebrow.

    "No! Of course not. I was just messing with Y/N." Jimin chuckles quietly. Ouch thanks..

I looked at Jimin then at Jin with hurt eyes.. Jin noticed but not Jimin. Only Jin and Taehyung know my crush on Jimin.. Jungkook doesn't even know it yet and I would like to keep it that way. Jin walked towards me and rubs my shoulder.

     "It'll be okay." he whispers quietly into my ear slowly comforting me.

*20 minutes into the game*


    "Where the hell is Jungkook." I groaned in anger and because I was hungry.

    "Shh." Jimin covers my mouth but I just roll my eyes.

We soon heard footsteps walk towards the closet, getting louder and louder with each step. Soon Jungkook swings the door open with a huge sigh.

      "Finally." He sound relief.

      "Wow took you long enough." I smiled at him, messing around a bit.

      "I wouldn't stop looking unless I find you." He smiled back at me, kind of giving off a flirty feel.

I felt my cheeks heat up at Jungkook sentence while I stand there with a smile.

      "Okay enough guys, did you find the other boys? " Jimin says in a tense voice as he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms,

Is he jealous? Wait no.. probably just annoyed.

    "Yeah they're all in the living room " Jungkook nods.

  We walk out of the closet, letting Jin and Jimin walk first leaving me and Jungkook behind.

   "You know I wanted to get out of that closet. It's so squishy in there." I nudged his shoulder.

   "Sorry it look awhile." He chuckles following my lead.

   "Ah.. I forgive you." 

He glances at me quickly then looks around, making sure no one was near us before pushing me into the empty room across from us. He closes the door and pins me up against the wall. My eyes widen from his action. The room was pitch black. Holy shit what is happening.

   "Jungkook?" I asked a bit concerned at his action. 

He placed his forehead on mine. I felt his warm breath on my face. I closed my eyes as I felt his hand wrap around my waist. It was silent. He starts to lean in so I let it happen. His soft lips touch my desperate lips. I wrap my arm around his neck as he deepens our kiss. Our head move back and forth gently in sync. I tug gently on his hair making him let out a mini moan but he unfortunately stops. He unattached his hands from my body and his lip away from mine.

    "Y/N.. I'm so sorry." He apologized in shame.

   "I-It's okay.." I lick my lips trying to process what just went on.

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