Chapter 6: Touch me..

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I rushed upstairs to change out of my clothing and slipped on the lingerie. I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

Jimin walks in biting his lip. "Wow.." He eyed me up and down.

   "Jimin what is this for?" I asked as I walked towards him.

   "I just thought I shouldn't of had put you in that friend zone.." He snakes his arms around me.

I felt the hardness in his pants grow against me. I move my hands to his pants unbuckling the belt then slipping my hands inside his boxers playing with his erected member but he moved his hands go my clit.. I couldn't go on. Not with his fingers rubbing me there.

   "Fuck.....oh Jimin touch me more..." I moaned as I saw a smirk on his face.

I tilted my head back so it rested on Jimin's shoulder which gave him access to kissing the front of my neck. I gasped when he stuck his finger inside me. He pumped it in and out then I moaned, really loud, when he added another. He moved in a fast but meaningful motion, which was driving me nuts. His fingers felt so good inside, I couldn't wait to have more. He takes them out and sucks on his fingers.

"My turn." I smiled, pushing him against the wall as I kneel down.

I grabbed his penis and began stroking it while kissing him.

   "Fuck... Y/N.." He groaned from pleasure.

I smirk as I stroke him a few more times before taking his length into my mouth. He runs his fingers through my hair, enjoying every minute of this. After a few minutes of sucking him, I stand up.

"Let's take this to the bed." Jimin nods in agreement.

He picks me up and throws me onto the bed..

"God you look so sexy." He breaths heavily, taking his shirt. He then takes the lingerie that I was wearing off.

   "Jimin please.." I bite my lip.

He gets on me, then moves down and begins sucking my nipples.

"Mmm..." He sucks for a little bit longer, then he moves down and begins leaving mini kisses on my body.

I run my fingers through his hair and smile. I was so glad Jimin was mine for tonight and not someone else's. I gasped when he began eating me out.

"Ji- JIMIN!" I moaned loudly.

I let a cry when he delved his tongue inside. He even managed to find my g-spot in a matter of seconds.

"Fuck! Oh yes Jimin! Right there!" I grabbed on to the sides of the bed.

That gave him the drive to move at a speed that drove me completely insane. I could feel an orgasm rising again, and it sent me over the edge when he used a finger while using his tongue. I gripped the sheets tighter with both hands. I rode my orgasm out on his face, then he moved back on top of me, so the two of us were face to face.

    "You like that don't you.." He licks his lips.

   "I've wanted this for so long.." I kiss his plump lips...

   "I'll go slow.. I want to be your first." He leans down and whispers.

I nod in response, but my mind was filled with so many other thoughts. I can't think straight.

"If it hurts tell me okay.." He kissed my forehead. "We'll be each other's first.." He smirks

   "Well then hurry." I smirked back impatiently..

He grabs a condom and slips it on.



He enters in causing me to let a moan out. He slowly started thrusting in me. I felt a little pain but that didn't stop me from trying to enjoy it. I kissed him giving him permission to go faster. I also began to moved my hips in sync with his, causing us both to moan louder.

   "Mmm, Fuck babe, I think I'm getting closer." I closed my eyes.

   "Fuck yes....oh me too..." He went faster making us both moan ever louder.

   "Fuck yes! Fuck me Jimin! Harder!" He went deeper, causing me to cry out.

   "I'm about to Y/N... Fuck." As he humped me once more, I felt warm cum release from me, which sent me over the edge. I hugged him as both enjoyed our orgasms.

Jimin pulls out and throws the condom away then walks back and lays beside me.

   "That was amazing.." I turned to look at him.

   "Yeah.." He smiled.. "You should get some sleep Y/N.." He kissed my forehead.

   "Can we cuddle?" I smiled pulling him body closer to mine.

He moves closer to me wrapping his arms around me.

   "Goodnight." He mumbles sweetly into my ear.

   "Goodnight.." I whispered before drifting off to sleep...

A/N: AHHH bless my sinful soul.. I can't with myself. The amount of times I've had awkward laughs reading this over.

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