Chapter 7: Yeah I did that...

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I woke up and saw that Jimin was gone..

    "What the.." I rubbed my eyes sliding my back up against my bed frame.

I saw my room all cleaned up from last night. The lingerie I wore last night wasn't on the floor anymore it was all washed and was placed on my table. I picked up the note that was on my night stand.

Whenever you wake up and see this I just wanted to say last night was amazing and I'm glad I was your first.. Sorry for leaving you alone in the morning but I decided to just leave since I didn't want it to feel awkward between us. Hope you had as much fun as I did. Love, Jimin

"Seriously.. after all that he's going to leave me at home alone?" I rolled my eyes.

Jimin's POV

I wake up before Y/N does. I slowly creep out of her bed slipping my clothes on. I buckle my pants then slipped my shirt on. I went to grab a piece of paper to leave her a note before I left. As I finished writing the note I placed it beside her on the table then I decide to stare at her for a while watching her cute face..

   "So cute.." I whispered to myself before leaning down and giving her a soft kiss on her forehead which made her move around a little bit.

I leave her room after that..

I take out my phone and dialed Taehyung.

   "Hello?"  He answered a bit sleepily. 

   "Hey Tae can we talk?"  I asked as I held my phone in one hand as the other hand was on the steering wheel.

   "Sure just come on over."  He says with a big yawn over the phone.

   "Thanks I'll be there in five."   I hung the phone up quickly and drove safely back home.

I just needed to tell some one this and Taehyung was the first to pop into my mind...


    "Wait so you two actually did it?" His eyes widen as he hands me the cup of coffee

   "Yeah.. I didn't know what I was thinking I just.. I just wanted to feel her..." I take the cup as I looked into Taehyung's eyes.

   "and you just left her?" Taehyung nods slowly trying to follow along. 

   "Probably the worst move right?" I take a sip of the coffee

   "Who leaves their best friend after having sex?" Taehyung chuckles. "You should call her and see if she's okay. She might of took it the wrong way."

   "But I left her a note."

   "Still.." Taehyung walks off into his kitchen.

I take a minute to think about it before pulling my phone out and dialing her number.

    "Hello?" She answers with a low voice.


    "What's up?" she asked

    "Sorry for leaving you this morning."  I rubbed my head with my hand.

    "It's fine Jimin " She says calmly.

    "Okay.." I didn't know what else to say

    "Um.. I'm gonna go I have to get ready."

    "Oh for what?"   I asked

    "Jin and Namjoon are taking me out." She giggles like a child over the phone

   "Mom and dad are taking you out?"  I chuckle. "You're so lucky. They never take me out."

   "It's because your not their favourite." She says very sassy.

   "Whatever you dork. Go get ready." I rolled my eyes.

    "Ok byeee, love you." She laughs.

   "Byee, love ya too." I said in a fake sad voice.

I slip the phone back into my pocket.

   "Are you gonna tell Jungkook?" Taehyung asked walking back into the living room then leaning against the wall.

   "Of course not." I shook my head.


   "He really likes Y/N plus.. they went out on a date last night." I looked up at him.

   "No wonder Jungkook texted me last night.." Taehyung makes an ' ohhh ' face.

   "What did he text you?" I was curious now.

   "He just texted me saying Y/N didn't go over to his house last night cause no one was watching over the house."

   "Was he going to.. do it with her?" I asked.

Taehyung's eyes widen. "Oh god no he said he wouldn't unless she was ready but I guess.. she was ready with you instead.." Taehyung raised his eyebrows.

   "She couldn't help it." I shrugged

   "Neither could you." Tae copied me.

   "Whatever.. lets just please not tell anyone about this.. especially Jungkook. I don't want his feelings to get hurt.. he already thinks we like each other a lot."

   "Okay. I won't say anything." He sits beside me.

Your POV

I finished getting ready.. I text Jin and Namjoon earlier saying I needed to talk to them.. I can't just not tell anyone about last night.. right after that I heard a knock.

   "I guess they're here.." I run downstairs.

I open the door and saw Jin.

   "Ready?" he asked

I nodded then walked out of my house, locking the door from behind.

~~~~ At the carnival ~~~~

   "So what did you need to talk to us about?" Namjoon asked as he was eating some cotton candy.

   "Yeah? You made it seem really important." Jin says eating some of Namjoons cotton candy.

   "I slept with Jimin last night.." I said straight out.

Namjoon and Jin both turned their heads towards me with their eyes wide..

   "What!" Jin yelled out loud with little bit of cotton candy in his mouth as Namjoons mouth was wide opened.

~~ continues off into the next chapter ~~

A/N: Oooo what a cliff hanger hahaa

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