Chapter 17: Reunited

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Jimin's pov

Jungkook wanted to talk. I wonder what it's about? I lead him onto the porch outside and closed the door from behind.

   "What is it?" I smiled expecting it to be some older brother related question.

   "I think I'm love with Y/N.. like madly in love." He smiled.

Wait what?

   "Okay and?" I wanted to know more. Jungkook leans onto the side.

   "I know this sounds crazy but I want to spend my life with her forever.." He looks up at me

My eyes widen. "You're not thinking about proposing?!? You're way to young!"

   "No! Well I mean I had that in mind but no not at the moment I don't want to get married yet!" He puts his hands up. "I was thinking about taking her on a vacation and maybe if she's ready by then.... I'll propose."

   "What?!? You said you weren't gonna propose!"

   "Jimin! I'm planning to take her in three months! I'm giving her enough time to be with me until I think about it!"

   "Jungkook no. Just no." I shook my head then walked back inside not wanting to continue the chat. I walk towards the living room seeing that Y/N and Stacey were getting along. They both turn heads towards me after they finished laughing. 

    "Oh hey Jimin." Y/N smiled.

    "Hey." I smiled back.

    "Where's Jungkook?" She asked still looking over.

   "Right here." Jungkook says walking pass me. I walk upstairs to grab something from my room but really I just wanted to avoid Jungkook, Someone follows me up.

   "Not now Stacey." I turn around thinking it was her but it was actually Y/N.

   "Sorry.. bad timing?" She had a smile on.

  "Oh sorry.. I thought you were Stacey."

  "Stacey was actually going to come up here but she sent me cause she thought you were kinda in a bad mood and rather have me try calming you." She leans on my door.

   "It's nothing I'm just grabbing.." I look around my room. "I mean I was about to change cause ya know I wore this back home from the pool so it's dirty of course." I laugh nervously.

She gives me a weird look then starts laughing. "Oh Jimin.. you know how to make a girl laugh." She smiled making me smile. "Anyways Makayla's coming over next week."

   "Oh your little sister? I haven't seen her in forever." I smiled.

   "Yep she's been studying hard but she finally graduate. I'm so proud of that dork.. I really missed her."

   "I bet Taehyung missed her the most." I smirked.

Y/N starts laughing again. "They were so hooked with each other. I remember when she left Taehyung started crying." Her face starts going red from laughing too much. "Oh boy.. I feel bad for laughing. That boy cried for a week straight."

A few minutes after she stopped laughing. She just kept smiling at me. I looked right at her and she went all red.

"I should um go.." she coughs. "See you later Chimchim.." She quickly rushed out of my room. I laugh to myself thinking about how cute she was.. Maybe I do still have feeling for her..

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